bubble sort in CUDA

i need the implementation of bubble sort in CUDA .could you help me please?
your help will be appreciated.

OK for bubble I expect you have an array that is small, i.e. a lot less than 1000 elements.
I suggest…
supposing your array is 64 elements long, then assign 32 threads,
for each thread N = 2* its_thread_number
on each go round a loop each thread should do this
if ( A[N] < A[N+1] ) swap(A[N],A[N+1] )
if ( A[N+1] < A[N+2] ) swap(A[N+1],A[N+2] )

Why have N = 2threadNumber?
Reason is that in cuda all threads in a warp do the same instruction in a single instruction cycle.
so thread 0 will be swapping A[0] with A[1] at the same time as thread 1 swaps A[2] and A[3]
threadNumber stops them from both trying to update contents of a cell at same time.

Probably simplest to stop after length_of_array iterations or is it length_of_array/2 up to you to work that out.

You will also have to work out what __synchthreads() are needed if the array can be >64 long.
and handle case where array is not an even number of elements. e.g. what if array is 13 long ?

And there may be better ways.

shouldn’t bitonic sort be faster even for very small inputs?

Would u provide the program please

Im doing a lil research on sorting algorithm implementation on CUDA .

doesn’t have to be fast, just meaningful result that’s all .

thanks ^^,

The purpose of this forum is to help with CUDA problems, not to do your assignments for you. External Image Most of the regulars here have their own projects to work on.

I just need for some reference .
I’ve got my stuffs going on already .
Code optimization is what i need for now .
a lil help for reference would be greatly appreciated .

thanks anyway =)

There is plenty of Cuda sorting code available. Take a look at Thrust, for example.

thanks for the tips bro