fast sorting of smal arrays WinWidth*WinHeight arrays of size == 32

Hi. I have a large number of arrays (WinWidth*WinHeight exactly). Each array have fixed size == 32.

I need to sort them as fast as it possible.

I wrote buble sort, but it is too slow. What sorting algorithm will be better to use in my case?

btw. my bubble sort.





  int ARR_SIZE, // array size. shold be less or eq that CTA_SIZE

  class T,	  // type of array elements

  template <class> class LESS  // LESS<T>::exec(A,B) return true if A < B


__device__ void BubleSort(T data[])


  int idInChunck = threadIdx.x % ARR_SIZE;

  int chunckOffset = (threadIdx.x/ARR_SIZE)*ARR_SIZE;

for(int i=0;i<ARR_SIZE;i++)


	int index = (idInChunck+i) % ARR_SIZE + chunckOffset;

	if(threadIdx.x%2 == 0 && index+1 < ARR_SIZE + chunckOffset)


	  T A = data[index];

	  T B = data[index+1];



		data[index] = B;

		data[index+1] = A;







i forgot to say that elements have size == 8 bytes. And there floting point data.

For small arrays you should be able to use a sorting network (see Knuth). Hopefully nvcc will convert min/max expressions into suitable branchless instruction sequences but I haven’t verified this.

[url=“Sorting network - Wikipedia”][/url]

thanks, i’ll try to do that.

You want Bitonic sort, especially since it’s already in the CUDA examples.

Sorting networks for N=32 inputs are quite huge and require a lot of comparators (for N=24 it was around to 129 compare-and-swap operations already).

Things get simpler for small arrays: For N=8 inputs I’ve successfully implemented a sorting network in an OpenGL ARBfp1.0 fragment shader. ;)


so, you think that sorting network will be too huge, may be you have another idea?