Build CUDA 11 with C++17, MSVC, NVCC, CMake

Trying to build a C++17 project with CUDA 11, CMake using NVCC and MSVC host compiler. This is supposed to be supported in CUDA 11, right? I don’t want to build CUDA code with C++14 while host code is using C++17 features.

Tried variations on:

target_compile_options(${TEST_EXE} PRIVATE $<$<COMPILE_LANGUAGE:CUDA>:–std=c++17>)

get an error in CMake:

[CMake] Target “…” requires the language dialect “CUDA17” (with compiler extensions), but CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

Any help, please?

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I’m having the exact same issue.

Found the following…

Looks like CUDA_STANDARD 17 and above is only supported on CMAKE 18 and above.

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I can confirm after I updated my cmake from 17 to 19 my build worked with cuda 17 enabled.

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That’s great. I’m gonna upgrade then. I did have a workaround but since it’s moot now, not gonna post. Thanks for answering this.