@SivaRamaKrishnaNV Here is the output of the command:
&&&& RUNNING TensorRT.trtexec [TensorRT v8201] # /usr/src/tensorrt/bin/trtexec --help
=== Model Options ===
--uff=<file> UFF model
--onnx=<file> ONNX model
--model=<file> Caffe model (default = no model, random weights used)
--deploy=<file> Caffe prototxt file
--output=<name>[,<name>]* Output names (it can be specified multiple times); at least one output is required for UFF and Caffe
--uffInput=<name>,X,Y,Z Input blob name and its dimensions (X,Y,Z=C,H,W), it can be specified multiple times; at least one is required for UFF models
--uffNHWC Set if inputs are in the NHWC layout instead of NCHW (use X,Y,Z=H,W,C order in --uffInput)
=== Build Options ===
--maxBatch Set max batch size and build an implicit batch engine (default = same size as --batch)
This option should not be used when the input model is ONNX or when dynamic shapes are provided.
--minShapes=spec Build with dynamic shapes using a profile with the min shapes provided
--optShapes=spec Build with dynamic shapes using a profile with the opt shapes provided
--maxShapes=spec Build with dynamic shapes using a profile with the max shapes provided
--minShapesCalib=spec Calibrate with dynamic shapes using a profile with the min shapes provided
--optShapesCalib=spec Calibrate with dynamic shapes using a profile with the opt shapes provided
--maxShapesCalib=spec Calibrate with dynamic shapes using a profile with the max shapes provided
Note: All three of min, opt and max shapes must be supplied.
However, if only opt shapes is supplied then it will be expanded so
that min shapes and max shapes are set to the same values as opt shapes.
Input names can be wrapped with escaped single quotes (ex: \'Input:0\').
Example input shapes spec: input0:1x3x256x256,input1:1x3x128x128
Each input shape is supplied as a key-value pair where key is the input name and
value is the dimensions (including the batch dimension) to be used for that input.
Each key-value pair has the key and value separated using a colon (:).
Multiple input shapes can be provided via comma-separated key-value pairs.
--inputIOFormats=spec Type and format of each of the input tensors (default = all inputs in fp32:chw)
See --outputIOFormats help for the grammar of type and format list.
Note: If this option is specified, please set comma-separated types and formats for all
inputs following the same order as network inputs ID (even if only one input
needs specifying IO format) or set the type and format once for broadcasting.
--outputIOFormats=spec Type and format of each of the output tensors (default = all outputs in fp32:chw)
Note: If this option is specified, please set comma-separated types and formats for all
outputs following the same order as network outputs ID (even if only one output
needs specifying IO format) or set the type and format once for broadcasting.
IO Formats: spec ::= IOfmt[","spec]
IOfmt ::= type:fmt
type ::= "fp32"|"fp16"|"int32"|"int8"
fmt ::= ("chw"|"chw2"|"chw4"|"hwc8"|"chw16"|"chw32"|"dhwc8")["+"fmt]
--workspace=N Set workspace size in megabytes (default = 16)
--profilingVerbosity=mode Specify profiling verbosity. mode ::= layer_names_only|detailed|none (default = layer_names_only)
--minTiming=M Set the minimum number of iterations used in kernel selection (default = 1)
--avgTiming=M Set the number of times averaged in each iteration for kernel selection (default = 8)
--refit Mark the engine as refittable. This will allow the inspection of refittable layers
and weights within the engine.
--sparsity=spec Control sparsity (default = disabled).
Sparsity: spec ::= "disable", "enable", "force"
Note: Description about each of these options is as below
disable = do not enable sparse tactics in the builder (this is the default)
enable = enable sparse tactics in the builder (but these tactics will only be
considered if the weights have the right sparsity pattern)
force = enable sparse tactics in the builder and force-overwrite the weights to have
a sparsity pattern (even if you loaded a model yourself)
--noTF32 Disable tf32 precision (default is to enable tf32, in addition to fp32)
--fp16 Enable fp16 precision, in addition to fp32 (default = disabled)
--int8 Enable int8 precision, in addition to fp32 (default = disabled)
--best Enable all precisions to achieve the best performance (default = disabled)
--directIO Avoid reformatting at network boundaries. (default = disabled)
--precisionConstraints=spec Control precision constraints. (default = none)
Precision Constaints: spec ::= "none" | "obey" | "prefer"
none = no constraints
prefer = meet precision constraints if possible
obey = meet precision constraints or fail otherwise
--calib=<file> Read INT8 calibration cache file
--safe Enable build safety certified engine
--consistency Perform consistency checking on safety certified engine
--restricted Enable safety scope checking with kSAFETY_SCOPE build flag
--saveEngine=<file> Save the serialized engine
--loadEngine=<file> Load a serialized engine
--tacticSources=tactics Specify the tactics to be used by adding (+) or removing (-) tactics from the default
tactic sources (default = all available tactics).
Note: Currently only cuDNN, cuBLAS and cuBLAS-LT are listed as optional tactics.
Tactic Sources: tactics ::= [","tactic]
tactic ::= (+|-)lib
For example, to disable cudnn and enable cublas: --tacticSources=-CUDNN,+CUBLAS
--noBuilderCache Disable timing cache in builder (default is to enable timing cache)
--timingCacheFile=<file> Save/load the serialized global timing cache
=== Inference Options ===
--batch=N Set batch size for implicit batch engines (default = 1)
This option should not be used when the engine is built from an ONNX model or when dynamic
shapes are provided when the engine is built.
--shapes=spec Set input shapes for dynamic shapes inference inputs.
Note: Input names can be wrapped with escaped single quotes (ex: \'Input:0\').
Example input shapes spec: input0:1x3x256x256, input1:1x3x128x128
Each input shape is supplied as a key-value pair where key is the input name and
value is the dimensions (including the batch dimension) to be used for that input.
Each key-value pair has the key and value separated using a colon (:).
Multiple input shapes can be provided via comma-separated key-value pairs.
--loadInputs=spec Load input values from files (default = generate random inputs). Input names can be wrapped with single quotes (ex: 'Input:0')
Input values spec ::= Ival[","spec]
Ival ::= name":"file
--iterations=N Run at least N inference iterations (default = 10)
--warmUp=N Run for N milliseconds to warmup before measuring performance (default = 200)
--duration=N Run performance measurements for at least N seconds wallclock time (default = 3)
--sleepTime=N Delay inference start with a gap of N milliseconds between launch and compute (default = 0)
--idleTime=N Sleep N milliseconds between two continuous iterations(default = 0)
--streams=N Instantiate N engines to use concurrently (default = 1)
--exposeDMA Serialize DMA transfers to and from device (default = disabled).
--noDataTransfers Disable DMA transfers to and from device (default = enabled).
--useManagedMemory Use managed memory instead of seperate host and device allocations (default = disabled).
--useSpinWait Actively synchronize on GPU events. This option may decrease synchronization time but increase CPU usage and power (default = disabled)
--threads Enable multithreading to drive engines with independent threads (default = disabled)
--useCudaGraph Use CUDA graph to capture engine execution and then launch inference (default = disabled).
This flag may be ignored if the graph capture fails.
--timeDeserialize Time the amount of time it takes to deserialize the network and exit.
--timeRefit Time the amount of time it takes to refit the engine before inference.
--separateProfileRun Do not attach the profiler in the benchmark run; if profiling is enabled, a second profile run will be executed (default = disabled)
--buildOnly Skip inference perf measurement (default = disabled)
=== Build and Inference Batch Options ===
When using implicit batch, the max batch size of the engine, if not given,
is set to the inference batch size;
when using explicit batch, if shapes are specified only for inference, they
will be used also as min/opt/max in the build profile; if shapes are
specified only for the build, the opt shapes will be used also for inference;
if both are specified, they must be compatible; and if explicit batch is
enabled but neither is specified, the model must provide complete static
dimensions, including batch size, for all inputs
Using ONNX models automatically forces explicit batch.
=== Reporting Options ===
--verbose Use verbose logging (default = false)
--avgRuns=N Report performance measurements averaged over N consecutive iterations (default = 10)
--percentile=P Report performance for the P percentage (0<=P<=100, 0 representing max perf, and 100 representing min perf; (default = 99%)
--dumpRefit Print the refittable layers and weights from a refittable engine
--dumpOutput Print the output tensor(s) of the last inference iteration (default = disabled)
--dumpProfile Print profile information per layer (default = disabled)
--dumpLayerInfo Print layer information of the engine to console (default = disabled)
--exportTimes=<file> Write the timing results in a json file (default = disabled)
--exportOutput=<file> Write the output tensors to a json file (default = disabled)
--exportProfile=<file> Write the profile information per layer in a json file (default = disabled)
--exportLayerInfo=<file> Write the layer information of the engine in a json file (default = disabled)
=== System Options ===
--device=N Select cuda device N (default = 0)
--useDLACore=N Select DLA core N for layers that support DLA (default = none)
--allowGPUFallback When DLA is enabled, allow GPU fallback for unsupported layers (default = disabled)
--plugins Plugin library (.so) to load (can be specified multiple times)
=== Help ===
--help, -h Print this message