Byte-to-Byte Lossless H264/AVC/HEVC/H265 Supported?

Please check

  • is truly lossless encoding ( byte per byte) even possible?
    Yes, it is byte-to-byte lossless

  • which codecs/compression?

  • which systems? (xavier , xavier NX , tx2 )
    TX2, Xavier and Xavier NX

  • which Jetpack versions?
    After Jetpack 4.6

  • is it possible through the gstreamer framework or only through multimedia API framework?
    It is supported in nvv4l2h265enc. The frame data has to be NV24 and enable the property:

  enable-lossless     : Enable lossless encoding for YUV444
                        flags: readable, writable, changeable only in NULL or READY state
                        Boolean. Default: false
  • what settings are required for supported frameworks? ( --elossless , qp=? which video format etc.)
    Please refer to this post:
    Can tx2nx decode YUV444? - #3 by DaneLLL

  • expected performance (roughly)?
    The performance listed in module data sheet is for encoding YUV420. For encoding YUV444, we don’t have exact data but it may be worse

  • future plans?