Can tx2nx decode YUV444?

./video_decode H264 -o test.yuv --disable-rendering test.h264

Set governor to performance before enabling profiler
Creating decoder in blocking mode
NvMMLiteOpen : Block : BlockType = 261
NVMEDIA: Reading vendor.tegra.display-size : status: 6
NvMMLiteBlockCreate : Block : BlockType = 261
Setting frame input mode to 1
NVMEDIA: NVMEDIABufferProcessing: 1507: NvMediaParserParse Unsupported Codec
NVMEDIA: NvMMLiteNVMEDIADecDoWork: 1985: NVMEDIA Video Dec Unsupported Stream
[NvMediaParserParse:357] Video parser parse failed: 0Starting decoder capture loop thread
NVMEDIA: NVMEDIABufferProcessing: 1507: NvMediaParserParse Unsupported Codec
NVMEDIA: NvMMLiteNVMEDIADecDoWork: 1985: NVMEDIA Video Dec Unsupported Stream
[NvMediaParserParse:357] Video parser parse failed: 0Input file read complete
NVMEDIA: NVMEDIABufferProcessing: 1507: NvMediaParserParse Unsupported Codec
NVMEDIA: NvMMLiteNVMEDIADecDoWork: 1985: NVMEDIA Video Dec Unsupported Stream
[NvMediaParserParse:357] Video parser parse failed: 0[NvMediaParserParse:357] Video parser parse failed: 0[ERROR] (NvV4l2Element.cpp:114) Error while DQing event: Invalid argument
Error in dequeueing decoder event
Exiting decoder capture loop thread
[ERROR] (NvV4l2ElementPlane.cpp:178) Output Plane:Error while DQing buffer: Broken pipe
Error DQing buffer at output plane
Decoder is in error
App run failed

File “test.h264” is encoded by tx2nx . I use the demo to decode it. But it’s error. Can tx2nx decode YUV444?
“test.h264” can be play by ffplay and signed “YUV444”.

Second question, Can tx2nx support yuv444 h265 encode?
test.h264 (10.6 MB)
Here is my data.

In H264 decoding, YUV444 is not supported. Please try H265 encoding/decoding.


01_video_encode$ gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc num-buffers=150 !  'video/x-raw, width=(int)1280, height=(int)720, format=(string)Y444'  ! filesink location=~/origin.yuv
01_video_encode$  ./video_encode ~/origin.yuv 1280 720 H265 ~/out.265 --elossless --max-perf


00_video_decode$ export DISPLAY=:0(or 1)
00_video_decode$ ./video_decode H265 ~/out.265

Here is my data.
test.h265 (4.0 MB)

It’s ok when it’s played by ffplay.

./video_decode H265 test.h265.

But it losses some color when tx2nx plays.

Do you use Jetpack 4.6? We don’t see the issue on the release.

I am using jetpack4.6.
You can ffplay my data and compare that tx2nx plays.( ./video_decode H265 test.h265 )
upload two picture

./video_decode H265 test.h265

ffplay or vlc

It’s very obvious difference.

./video_decode H265 -f 4 test.h265

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