Calling a function in a BehaviorScript which is a component of specific prim in stage

Super simple question I cant find any information on. In my extention I have some prim’s path in my stage. I know that the prim has a behavior script component and that the script has a function foo().

I want, from my extention, to get a refrence to the script component of that prim and call the function foo()

thank you

Isaac Sim Version


Operating System

Windows 11

Please check if Python Scripting Component — Omniverse Extensions is helpful.

Hi @VickNV , I have researched this topic greatly and I cant find a method for calling a function inside a behavior script from an extention.

some more information:

  • I cannot use events in this case
  • I do have the path to the prim in my extention. just need to get refrence to its Behavior script and call a function in it.
