Can you help me find the bug?

First I wrote the following listing which multiplies two matrices.

A =B= [[1 2 3 4],
       [5 6 7 8],
       [9 10 11 12],
       [13 14 15 16]]

A*B = [[90 100 110 120], 
       [202 228 254 280], 
       [314 356 398 440], 
       [426 484 542 600]] 
#include <cstdarg>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

const int ROWS1 = 4;//1024;
const int COLS1 = 4;//1024;

const int ROWS2 = 4;//1024;
const int COLS2 = 4;//1024;

const int ROWS3 = ROWS1;
const int COLS3 = COLS2;

const int TILE_ROW_SIZE = 2;
const int TILE_COL_SIZE = 2;

#define IDX(tile_size, tile_i, relative_i) (tile_size * tile_i + relative_i)

void MultiplyAsSumOuterProductOfVectors(int *A, int *B, int *C,
int tile_row_size, int tile_col_size,
int cols1, int rows1, int cols2) {
  for (int tile_i = 0; tile_i < tile_col_size; tile_i++) {//x
      for (int tile_j = 0; tile_j < tile_row_size; tile_j++) {//y
          for (int tile_r = 0; tile_r < tile_col_size; tile_r++) {//x
              for (int cell_r = 0; cell_r < cols1; cell_r++) {//x
                  for (int cell_i = 0; cell_i < rows1; cell_i++) {//y
                      for (int cell_j = 0; cell_j < cols2; cell_j++) {//x
                          int r = IDX(TILE_COL_SIZE, tile_r, cell_r);
                          int i = IDX(TILE_ROW_SIZE, tile_i, cell_i);
                          int j = IDX(TILE_COL_SIZE, tile_j, cell_j);
                          C[i * COLS3 + j] += A[i * COLS1 + r] * B[r * COLS2 + j];

void printMatrix(int *mat, int rr, int cc) {
  for (int i = 0; i < rr; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < cc; j++) {
      printf("%d ", mat[i * cc + j]);

void allocateMatrix(int *&a, int rows, int cols) {
  a = new int[rows * cols];

void freeMatrix(int *a) {
  delete[] a;

void initMatrix(int *mat, int rr, int cc) {
  int init = 1;
  for (int i = 0; i < rr; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < cc; j++) {
      mat[i * cc + j] = init++;

void initMatrixZero(int *mat, int rr, int cc) {
  for (int i = 0; i < rr; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < cc; j++) {
      mat[i * cc + j] = 0;

int main() {
  int *A, *B, *C;

  allocateMatrix(A, ROWS1, COLS1);
  initMatrix(A, ROWS1, COLS1);

  allocateMatrix(B, ROWS2, COLS2);
  initMatrix(B, ROWS2, COLS2);

  allocateMatrix(C, ROWS3, COLS3);
  initMatrixZero(C, ROWS3, COLS3);


  printMatrix(C, ROWS3, COLS3);


  return 0;

Then I translated that into the following CUDA program.

However, the output seems to be incorrect:

    66    116     86    136
   146    276    198    328
   226    436    310    520
   306    596    422    712

How can I find the bug?

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

const int ROWS1 = 4;//1024;
const int COLS1 = 4;//1024;

const int ROWS2 = 4;//1024;
const int COLS2 = 4;//1024;

const int ROWS3 = ROWS1;
const int COLS3 = COLS2;

const int TILE_ROW_SIZE = 2;//32;
const int TILE_COL_SIZE = 2;//32;

#define IDX(tile_size, tile_i, relative_i) (tile_size * tile_i + relative_i)

__global__ void MultiplyAsSumOuterProductOfVectors(int *A, int *B, int *C,
  int tile_row_size, int tile_col_size,
  int cols1, int rows1, int cols2) 
  int tile_i = blockIdx.y;
  int tile_j = blockIdx.x;

  int cell_i = threadIdx.y;
  int cell_j = threadIdx.x;

  for (int tile_r = 0; tile_r < tile_col_size; tile_r++)
    int r = IDX(TILE_COL_SIZE, tile_r, cell_j);

    __shared__ int subA[TILE_ROW_SIZE][TILE_COL_SIZE];
    __shared__ int subB[TILE_ROW_SIZE][TILE_COL_SIZE];

    subA[cell_i][cell_j] = A[IDX(cols1, (tile_i * TILE_ROW_SIZE + cell_i), r)];
    subB[cell_i][cell_j] = B[IDX(cols2, r, (tile_j * TILE_COL_SIZE + cell_j))];


    for (int cell_r = 0; cell_r < TILE_ROW_SIZE; cell_r++) 
      int c_i = tile_i * TILE_ROW_SIZE + cell_i;
      int c_j = tile_j * TILE_COL_SIZE + cell_j;
      if (c_i < rows1 && c_j < cols2)
        C[IDX(COLS3, c_i, c_j)] += subA[cell_i][cell_r] * subB[cell_r][cell_j];


void printMatrix(int *mat, int rr, int cc) {
  for (int i = 0; i < rr; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < cc; j++) {
      cout << setw(6) << mat[i * cc + j] << " ";
    cout << endl;
  cout << endl;

void allocateMatrix(int *&a, int rows, int cols) {
  a = new int[rows * cols];

void freeMatrix(int *a) {
  delete[] a;

void initMatrix(int *mat, int rr, int cc) {
  int init = 1;
  for (int i = 0; i < rr; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < cc; j++) {
      mat[i * cc + j] = init++;

void initMatrixZero(int *mat, int rr, int cc) {
  for (int i = 0; i < rr; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < cc; j++) {
      mat[i * cc + j] = 0;

int main() {
  int *A, *B, *C;
  int *d_A, *d_B, *d_C;

  allocateMatrix(A, ROWS1, COLS1);
  initMatrix(A, ROWS1, COLS1);

  allocateMatrix(B, ROWS2, COLS2);
  initMatrix(B, ROWS2, COLS2);

  allocateMatrix(C, ROWS3, COLS3);
  initMatrixZero(C, ROWS3, COLS3);

  // Allocate device memory
  cudaMalloc((void **)&d_A, ROWS1 * COLS1 * sizeof(int));
  cudaMalloc((void **)&d_B, ROWS2 * COLS2 * sizeof(int));
  cudaMalloc((void **)&d_C, ROWS3 * COLS3 * sizeof(int));

  // Copy input matrices from host to device
  cudaMemcpy(d_A, A, ROWS1 * COLS1 * sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
  cudaMemcpy(d_B, B, ROWS2 * COLS2 * sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

  // Set grid and block dimensions
  dim3 gridSize(COLS3 / TILE_COL_SIZE, ROWS3 / TILE_ROW_SIZE);
  dim3 blockSize(TILE_COL_SIZE, TILE_ROW_SIZE);

  // Launch the kernel
  MultiplyAsSumOuterProductOfVectors<<<gridSize, blockSize>>>(d_A, d_B, d_C, TILE_ROW_SIZE, TILE_COL_SIZE, COLS1, ROWS1, COLS2);

  // Copy result matrix from device to host
  cudaMemcpy(C, d_C, ROWS3 * COLS3 * sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

  // Print the result matrix
  cout << "Result Matrix:" << endl;
  printMatrix(C, ROWS3, COLS3);

  // Free device memory

  // Free host memory

  return 0;

Learn some debugging methods. For example you could start with in-kernel printf. Pick a particular result element that doesn’t match between the two realizations. Put a printf statement in-kernel that prints out every value that gets calculated and summed together for that value. For example, if you you found that element 0,0 is incorrect, then put a statement like

  if (c_i < rows1 && c_j < cols2)
  {    int temp =  subA[cell_i][cell_r] * subB[cell_r][cell_j];
       if ((tile_i == 0) && (cell_i == 0) && (tile_j == 0) && (cell_j == 0)) printf("%d\n", temp);
       C[IDX(COLS3, c_i, c_j)] += temp;

You can easily get more fancy with that printf statement if you want. Look at all the individual products - do they make sense? Calculate the individual products (one row of the first matrix multiplied by one column of the 2nd matrix).

Before doing any of that work, I would use the compute-sanitizer debugging described in unit 12 of this online training series. Make sure there are no runtime-detectable errors.

A few things I noticed:

  • You’re not initializing the C matrix on the device to zero. cudaMalloc doesn’t do that for you. It is necessary because the only thing you ever do to the C matrix is add to it:

This isn’t the source of the problem, however.

  • This isn’t the correct way to calculate the tile movement, but it is also not the source of the problem because 4/2 gives the correct answer (2). However your calculation would not work correctly if your tile dimension were 2 but the number of rows was 8, for example.
  • There is a fully worked shared memory matrix multiplication in the programming guide. If you simply compare your code carefully to that one, you may be able to spot errors.

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