Cannot execute OptiX 8.0.0 Samples because of sutil_7_sdk

OK, that’s sounds manageable.

Did you use the OptiX SDK 8.0.0\SDK folder with the the top-most CMakeLists.txt as source directory?
(The individual example’s CMakeLists.txt won’t work standalone. )

Did you select a local build target folder inside the CMake GUI? E.g. OptiX SDK 8.0.0\SDK\build

Did you rebuild the whole solution?

Does it work for the Release x64 target?
(Note that OptiX builds Debug targets with debug device info inside the OptiX device code and the examples will run super slow then. )

Are there any other errors inside the MSVS output window?
(I haven’t tried CUDA 12.4 yet. I have no issues building the OptiX SDK 8.0.0 examples with CUDA 12.2 though.
In case there are errors from the NVCC compilation, increasing the MSBuild verbosity would show more info: )