Cannot flash my Jetson Orin nano

Hello, I’m trying to flash my jetson orin nano because It couldn’t display anything.
I tried using SDK manager in Recovery Mode and get this error

And I use $ sudo ./tools/kernel_flash/ --external-device mmcblk0p1 \ -c tools/kernel_flash/flash_l4t_t234_nvme.xml -p "-c bootloader/generic/cfg/flash_t234_qspi.xml" \ --showlogs --network usb0 jetson-orin-nano-devkit internal with this error.

*                                            *
*  Step 1: Build the flashing environment    *
*                                            *
Create flash environment 0
/home/andy/L4T/BSP/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader /home/andy/L4T/BSP/Linux_for_Tegra
Finish creating flash environment 0.
*                                                  *
*  Step 2: Boot the device with flash initrd image *
*                                                  *
/home/andy/L4T/BSP/Linux_for_Tegra/temp_initrdflash/bootloader0 /home/andy/L4T/BSP/Linux_for_Tegra
./ --bl uefi_jetson_with_dtb_aligned_blob_w_bin_sigheader.bin.encrypt --bct br_bct_BR.bct --securedev  --bldtb tegra234-p3768-0000+p3767-0005-nv.dtb --applet rcm_2_encrypt.rcm --applet_softfuse rcm_1_encrypt.rcm --instance 1-1 --cmd "rcmboot"  --cfg secureflash.xml --chip 0x23 --mb1_bct mb1_bct_MB1_sigheader.bct.encrypt --mem_bct mem_rcm_sigheader.bct.encrypt --mb1_cold_boot_bct mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1_sigheader.bct.encrypt --mb1_bin mb1_t234_prod_aligned_sigheader.bin.encrypt --psc_bl1_bin psc_bl1_t234_prod_aligned_sigheader.bin.encrypt --mem_bct_cold_boot mem_coldboot_sigheader.bct.encrypt  --bins "psc_fw pscfw_t234_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt; mts_mce mce_flash_o10_cr_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt; tsec_fw tsec_t234_sigheader.bin.encrypt; mb2_applet applet_t234_sigheader.bin.encrypt; mb2_bootloader mb2_t234_with_mb2_cold_boot_bct_MB2_sigheader.bin.encrypt; xusb_fw xusb_t234_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt; pva_fw nvpva_020_sigheader.fw.encrypt; dce_fw display-t234-dce_sigheader.bin.encrypt; nvdec nvdec_t234_prod_sigheader.fw.encrypt; bpmp_fw bpmp_t234-TE950M-A1_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt; bpmp_fw_dtb tegra234-bpmp-3767-0003-3509-a02_with_odm_sigheader.dtb.encrypt; rce_fw camera-rtcpu-t234-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt; ape_fw adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt; spe_fw spe_t234_sigheader.bin.encrypt; tos tos-optee_t234_sigheader.img.encrypt; eks eks_t234_sigheader.img.encrypt; kernel boot0.img; kernel_dtb tegra234-p3768-0000+p3767-0005-nv.dtb"    --bct_backup 
Welcome to Tegra Flash
version 1.0.0
Type ? or help for help and q or quit to exit
Use ! to execute system commands

 Entering RCM boot

[   0.0183 ] mb1_t234_prod_aligned_sigheader.bin.encrypt filename is from --mb1_bin
[   0.0183 ] psc_bl1_t234_prod_aligned_sigheader.bin.encrypt filename is from --psc_bl1_bin
[   0.0183 ] rcm boot with presigned binaries
[   0.0187 ] tegrarcm_v2 --instance 1-1 --new_session --chip 0x23 0 --uid --download bct_br br_bct_BR.bct --download mb1 mb1_t234_prod_aligned_sigheader.bin.encrypt --download psc_bl1 psc_bl1_t234_prod_aligned_sigheader.bin.encrypt --download bct_mb1 mb1_bct_MB1_sigheader.bct.encrypt
[   0.0189 ] BR_CID: 0xE1012344705DE78C5C00000010018180
[   0.0267 ] Sending bct_br
[   0.0325 ] ERROR: might be timeout in USB write.
Error: Return value 3
Command tegrarcm_v2 --instance 1-1 --new_session --chip 0x23 0 --uid --download bct_br br_bct_BR.bct --download mb1 mb1_t234_prod_aligned_sigheader.bin.encrypt --download psc_bl1 psc_bl1_t234_prod_aligned_sigheader.bin.encrypt --download bct_mb1 mb1_bct_MB1_sigheader.bct.encrypt
Cleaning up...

How can I resolve these problem, thank you.
If there is any Madarin-Proficient can help me, I can explain my problem better.

Hi @ncuwchenyx

I suggest you change your flash cable. It seems that the current one that you are using is giving you issues to perform the flash process. If you are a bit new to this, I strongly recommend you follow RidgeRun’s Orin Nano flashing wiki. Make sure to set the device into recovery mode before as mentioned here.

Keep me updated if this helps you.


Ricardo González Víquez
Embedded SW Engineer at RidgeRun
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