Cannot profile RTX 2060 KO (TU104) with CUDA 11.0 on windows and ubuntu

Hi N B Agostini,

Tools nvprof and NVIDIA Visual Profiler don’t support profiling events and metrics on Turing and later GPU architectures. These tools support tracing (timeline) activities on Turing. These limitations are documented in the profiler guide in the section 1. Preparing An Application For Profiling — Profiler 12.3 documentation.

Nsight Compute supports profiling on Turing TU1xx cards. Did you try GUI or CLI? Can you please paste the full error log?
Do you encounter the error message “ERR_NVGPUCTRPERM - The user does not have permission to access NVIDIA GPU Performance Counters on the target device …”. Profiling tools require users to start the profiling as root user, or have admin to give profiling permission to non-root users.
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