I’ve lately tried to create a driver and device tree entry for a camera sensor, and I’ve come to the point where it’s time to build the kernel and device tree to test it out. I’ve been following the guide at Building the Nvidia kernel to build the kernel and device tree and am aiming to register the device Using the Main Platform Device Tree File (since I’ve a devkit with an SD-card).
So I’ve succeeded in building the Image and modules and a number of dtb-files – but I am confused in how I can know that the “main” dtb-file has included my modifications.
It doesn’t help that I’m also confused regarding that multiple dtb-files have been built.
I’m assuming that I should replace
with its namesake at
however, probing it like so (where ‘mlx’ is part of my device’s name):
dtc -I dtb $TEGRA_KERNEL_OUT/arch/arm64/boot/dts/tegra210-p3448-0000-p3449-0000-b00.dtb | grep 'mlx'
returns nothing of interest.
Though doing the same with
dtc -I dtb $TEGRA_KERNEL_OUT/arch/arm64/boot/dts/tegra210-jetson-cv-base-p2597-2180-a00.dtb | grep 'mlx'
dtc -I dtb $TEGRA_KERNEL_OUT/arch/arm64/boot/dts/tegra210-jetson-cv-p2597-2180-a00.dtb | grep 'mlx'
shows me my changes.
My understanding is that the device tree binary should be a single dtb-file; or at the very least that the “main” dtb-file would include other dtb-files – but I can’t see any reference to any other dtb-file in
So what am I missing, and how can I know that my changes will be included?
Thank you!
I had copied the wrong command before