Circuit design: OVP value for TPS25944L? EN_pin for RTS5411?

[device: ‘P3449-B01 Jetson Nano Developer Kit Carrier Board’ ]

The value for the OVP (over-voltage protection) for the TPS25944L current limiting IC (WQFN-20) is about 5.69-5.70V? Is this the correct design value for a temperature range from 0 to 40°C?

Is it possible to switch (on/off) the RTS5411 IC from within the user side OS?

Thanks for Your time and engagement. (thx)

edit: temperature range
“Operate and store the Jetson Nano Developer Kit in a place where the temperature is always between 0 and 50°C (32 to 122°F).”

Devkit is for development only not for product. For the specific components, please refer its data sheet for design value. There is no way to turn on/off RTS5411 as there is no EN pin on it.

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Thanks for Your fast response.

What is the difference between a board for development compared to a product, from Your point of view?
Is the RTS5411 accessible through i2c-3?
The 4 USB ports are behind a 3.0 hub, is it reset-able by pin or system driver parameter settings? (thx)

With researching components there’s the impression, that the upper voltage limit of 5.25V (compared to 5.0V for USB standards being highest possible top voltage and plus/minus 5% with voltage variation from current demands), is sufficient for other ic parts as well and, e.g. 5.5V would stress some (USB or level shifter ics) to their absolute top level for the recommended voltage range (without any further headroom for absorbing voltage spikes, only exception is pin 235, ‘PMIC_BBAT’, 1.65-5.5V).
For (not precision) resistors a temperature change on plus/minus 50K (delta 1°C=1.8°F) would change the resistance value (for 200ppm types, avail. 5ppm, 100ppm) on a plus/minus 1% for the deviation from the rated value (that itself can vary from very low (mostly 2-5%, possible 0.1-0.5%) to up to ~20% difference to the rated values on stable temperature).

You can get the OVP value based on TPS25944L data sheet and the divider resistors value on P3449 board.

Are you talking about toggle the usb on the RTS5411 hub, or you are talking about the power of RTS5411 itself?

[ That might be around a value of (rising edge trigger) 5.70V( (110k+8.45k)-OVP(re0.99V, fe0.92V)-24.9k)_p/m~1% ?), but the TPS25944L is not a voltage limiter (what was my first assumption), but a (voltage) eFuse, that, triggered by overvoltage (or e.g. undervoltage, overcurrent, dVo/dt ramp rate, power good, in-rush current, thermal fault) cuts off the power towards downstream output pins and load, within a typically ~1µs (and depending on ic type automatically and repeatedly tries to reset/reconnect with cleared fault signal (retry delay ~128ms), but there’s a power connect interrupt, AFAI_understand). (thx) ]

[ There’s an USB_HUB_EN pin (powered by pullup from VDD_HUB_3V3 and controlled by 3V3_IO_PG, resulting to ‘always on’ with VDD voltages established)

and i2c3 (SMBUS) access for the RTS5411

and me thinking the RTS5411 is constantly powered from carrier board (USB1, UPHY6 with VDD_HUB_3V3 on), but enters low power mode(s) with no downstream ports utilized and is powered through 3V3_IO_PG (from VDD_5V_IN → MP2384 → PGOOD output, influencing pullup voltage from VDD_3V3_SYS)?

It would be helpful, if individual USB ports could be (power) reset from software on the hub.
i2c-3 i2c 7000c700.i2c I2C adapter
(for carrier board config: i2cdetect -y 2 , there are 0x50 and 0x57)
(RTS5411: “Support Gang mode and Individual mode for downstream port.”) (thx) ]

If you are talking about the usb port behind the hub, please check if this tool helps or not.

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[ Thanks for Your suggestion, that with testing could be verified for power cycling the entire hub with all connected ports. This, in my situation, is not suitable, since the rootfs is on an usb disk on one sub port (Sorry, me did not mention this before, so You gave the suitable and perfect solution, thanks).
Is there a possibility for to only (power) reset one device (port) on the hub, with keeping the system disk connected? (Otherwise it would be necessary to reboot the entire system, what should be avoided, with only resetting (external) networking devices and peripherals.) (thx) ]

Maybe you could check with hub vendor if their hub supports this or not.