Convert Etlt to engine file (tao-convertor deprecated)

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• Hardware Platform (Jetson / GPU) gpu t 4
• DeepStream Version 7
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• TensorRT Version latest deepstream dependency (i think 8.6)
• NVIDIA GPU Driver Version (valid for GPU only) 353
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I wanna convert etlt file(FaceDetect from catalogs) to engine file but there is a problem!!
Tao-converter is deprecated from tao version 5.x!!! I search for new method a lot of time but i didn’t find anything! How can i do this?
This link is also deprecated

You can still use the tao-converter to convert this FaceDetect model.
Please download it via wget --content-disposition '' -O tao-converter to your T4.

Thanks🙏it’s work very well!
But for the sake of finetunning facedetect model how can i do it with tao version5.x because it’s not in the tao model list and also there is no facedetect in tao(5.x) notebook sample

Facedetect model is actually trained by detectnet_v2 network. You can use detectnet_v2 network.

I think your answer is wrong because there are a lot of trainable file like trainable_v1.0 in the file browser section
Pls help me to know how can i train it with this tlt file?

The trainable tlt file is in FaceDetect | NVIDIA NGC.
You can train with it. Again, Facedetect model is actually trained by detectnet_v2 network. You can use detectnet_v2 network.
You can also find this info in FaceDetect | NVIDIA NGC.

There is no update from you for a period, assuming this is not an issue anymore. Hence we are closing this topic. If need further support, please open a new one. Thanks

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