Please provide complete information as applicable to your setup.
• Hardware Platform (Jetson / GPU) GPU • DeepStream Version Docker 6.3 • JetPack Version (valid for Jetson only) • TensorRT Version • NVIDIA GPU Driver Version (valid for GPU only) • Issue Type( questions, new requirements, bugs) • How to reproduce the issue ? (This is for bugs. Including which sample app is using, the configuration files content, the command line used and other details for reproducing) • Requirement details( This is for new requirement. Including the module name-for which plugin or for which sample application, the function description)
When I am using deepstream-app or deepstream-parallel-infer-app, I want to get the elapsed time of each model, such as video decoding elapsed time, detection model elapsed time, classification model elapsed time, what should I do to get it? Meanwhile, for single-source multi-model (detection model + classification model), how do the detection model and classification model schedule the GPU resources? (50% occupied by detection models and 50% by classification models?)
Thanks for your reply, I get the latency time successfully, I want to konw what are the units of component latency (ms or s)? When I add [source 0] num-sources 1–> 16, batch-num = fram-num → batch-num ≠ fram-num. What is the relationship between batch-num and frame-num?
Thanks, I will try it later. The BATCH-NUM shown in the terminal, can I understand it as a batch coming out of gst-nvstreammux?And when decoding sources at the same time, different sources have different frames, is because of Gst-Nvstreammux?
When Frame_num =1441, Frame_latency = 531ms, the displayed omponent latency’s add up to equal 138ms, I want to know what is the remaining elapsed time used for? Looking forward to your reply, thanks.
cd /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.3/samples/configs/deepstream-app
deepstream-app -c source4_1080p_dec_infer-resnet_tracker_sgie_tiled_display_int8.txt
num-sources = 1: The config file is the original config file, I didn’t make any changes to it. num-sources = 16: nothing to do except change all batch-size = 1 → 16
I’m loading the video stream as a local file, is that why?
No. You can refer to the link Generate GStreamer Pipeline Graph to get the graph of the pipeline. You can find that in addition to a few plugins that printed, there are also many other plugins in the whole pipeline.
I know, I’ve exported the pipeline and I can see that there are many more plugins in there, also, I’ve found many more in… /deepstream/lib/gst-plugins as well.
Could I understand that when sources go into the whole piepeline, the all green elements in the pipeline below are re-run at every frame, like GstTees, GstQueue, Gstnvvideoconvert?
Meanwhile, when I run deepstream-app -c source4_1080p_dec_infer-resnet_tracker_sgie_tiled_display_int8.txt, I’ve seen classifiers take only about 0.01ms of elapsed time, I thinks it is very amazing!
Thank you very much, DS is a great development tool.
One more question, I found that when the number of sources increases, for example sources=16, the Frame latency difference between different sources is particularly large, I would like to know what causes the difference?
just like :
It may be due to a certain plugin requiring synchronization processing or the special processing on encoding and decoding of some frames. This requires the specific analysis of the latency of each plugin.
What should I do to get the latency of each plugin? Meanwhile, I’d like to know if DS natively has any resource limitations for deepstream-app / deepstream_parallel_inference_app when using them, like only 80% of the resources are allowed for decoding and 70% for detecting? Thanks.
There is no update from you for a period, assuming this is not an issue anymore. Hence we are closing this topic. If need further support, please open a new one. Thanks
There is a print of each component on the image you posted earlier. Like Comp name = ....
We has no limitations about the resource. It limited by the hardware and some processing of the plugins.