Cuda 10.1 issues

I am facing some problems with CUDA Toolkit 10.1. I downloaded the latest version of my GPU’s(GeForce GT 740M) driver 425.31, then Visual Studio 2019 and at last CUDA Toolkit 10.1 Update 2. I managed to run a CUDA 10.1 template (kernel ) in Visual Studio 2019 and i took a screenshot of the results. The main problem that keeps being unsolved is when i try to run a script in VS Code. I created a virtual environment with Python 3.8, downloaded pytorch with relevance to cuda 10.1 according to pytorch documentation and although cuda.is_available() is True when i pass a random tensor to cuda ( torch.tensor([1.0,2.0,3.0

]).cuda() ), there is an error “no kernel image is available for execution on the device”. Can you guess what is the problem? Thank you in advance.

Your pytorch version is not compiled with support for your GPU. This is covered in many forum posts. GT 740M has a compute capability of 3.x and Pytorch hasn’t supported that compute capabiliity in a long time.

I won’t be able to help further here, this isn’t a pytorch forum. But there are probably hundreds or thousands of questions like this on various forums such as stackoverflow and