cuda 2D texture from d3d texture


it is possible to bind d3d texture (512x512, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, POOL_DEFAULT, all mipmaps) as cuda 2d texture ?

All calls in code below return cudaSuccess, but the tex2D in cuda always return float4(0, 0, 0, 0) what is wrong ? is this kind of interopability possible ?

when i bind cuda2dArray to this texture all is fine and correct values are sampled in


texture <uchar4, 2, cudaReadModeNormalizedFloat> MAT_TextureRef_00;

// ... 

const textureReference *texRef = NULL;

if (cudaGetTextureReference(&texRef, "MAT_TextureRef_00") != cudaSuccess)

    freaked_error("Cuda failed to get refrence !");

D3D_BindInteropTexture2D_A8R8G8B8(texRef, d3dTexture);

// ...

void D3D_BindInteropTexture2D_A8R8G8B8(const textureReference *texRef, void *_texture)


 cudaChannelFormatDesc desc;

desc.x = 8;

 desc.y = 8;

 desc.z = 8;

 desc.w = 8;

 desc.f = cudaChannelFormatKindUnsigned;


 IDirect3DResource9 *texture = ((c_D3DTEXTURE*)_texture)->GetTexture();

if (texture == NULL)



 if (cudaD3D9RegisterResource(texture, cudaD3D9RegisterFlagsNone) != cudaSuccess)

  freaked_error("Cuda failed to register !");

if (cudaD3D9ResourceSetMapFlags(texture, cudaD3D9MapFlagsReadOnly) != cudaSuccess)

  freaked_error("Cuda failed to set flags !");

if (cudaD3D9MapResources(1, &texture) != cudaSuccess)

  freaked_error("Cuda failed to map !");

void  *TextureData;

 size_t TextureSize;

if (cudaD3D9ResourceGetMappedPointer(&TextureData, texture, 0, 0) != cudaSuccess)

  freaked_error("Cuda failed to get !");

if (cudaD3D9ResourceGetMappedSize(&TextureSize, texture, 0, 0) != cudaSuccess)

  freaked_error("Cuda failed to get !");

((textureReference *)texRef)->addressMode[0] = cudaAddressModeWrap;

 ((textureReference *)texRef)->addressMode[1] = cudaAddressModeWrap;

 ((textureReference *)texRef)->filterMode     = cudaFilterModeLinear;

 ((textureReference *)texRef)->normalized     = true;

if (cudaBindTexture(NULL, texRef, TextureData, &desc, TextureSize) != cudaSuccess)

  freaked_error("Cuda failed to bind !");



thanks for any ansfers.