CUDA Profiler Tools Interface (CUPTI) for CUDA Toolkit 12.4 is now available

CUDA Profiler Tools Interface (CUPTI) for CUDA Toolkit 12.4 is now available for download in the NVIDIA Registered Developer Program.

The NVIDIA CUDA Profiler Tools Interface (CUPTI) for CUDA Toolkit is a dynamic library that enables the creation of profiling and tracing tools that target CUDA applications. CUPTI provides a set of APIs targeted at ISVs creating profilers and other performance optimization tools:
  • the Activity API,
  • the Callback API,
  • the Event API,
  • the Metric API,
  • the Profiler API,
  • the PC Sampling API,
  • the SASS Metric API, and
  • the Checkpoint API
Using these CUPTI APIs, independent software developers can create profiling tools that provide low and deterministic profiling overhead on the target system, while giving insight into the CPU and GPU behavior of CUDA applications.

Updates in CUDA Toolkit 12.4 Update 1

    Resolved Issues
    • Fixed a crash when API cuptiFinalize is used for applications using CUDA Graph.
    • Fixed a crash which can occur while tracing memcpy and memset nodes in a graph when using graph level tracing..
    • Skip delivering worker thread buffers on internal flush if the worker thread buffer is not full.

Updates in CUDA Toolkit 12.4

    New Features
    • Added tracing support for applications using Green contexts. Added two new fields isGreenContext and parentContextId in the context activity record. The activity record CUpti_ActivityContext is deprecated and it is replaced by a new activity record CUpti_ActivityContext2.
    • CUDA API calls are completed asynchronously from the perspective of the host CPU. This is accomplished by queuing the work slated for the GPU into a structure known as a command buffer. If there is insufficient space available in the command buffer when attempting to call a CUDA API, the host call will block until space becomes available. The user should be able to identify when this situation occurs. This is indicated using the new attribute CUPTI_ACTIVITY_OVERHEAD_COMMAND_BUFFER_FULL added in the activity overhead enum CUpti_ActivityOverheadKind. To provide additional details about the overhead, a new field overheadData is added in the overhead activity record. Activity record CUpti_ActivityOverhead2 is deprecated and it is replaced by the new activity record CUpti_ActivityOverhead3.
    • Added process ID and thread ID in the JIT activity record. To accomodate this change, activity record CUpti_ActivityJit is deprecated and it is replaced by a new activity record CUpti_ActivityJit2.
    • To correlate the sampling data for a kernel with the launch API in the serial mode of the PC Sampling APIs, a new field correlationId is added in the struct CUpti_PCSamplingPCData.
    • For PC Sampling APIs, total (smsp__pcsamp_sample_count) and dropped (smsp__pcsamp_samples_data_dropped) sample counts are collected by default.
    Resolved Issues
    • Fixed the issue for overhead records showing the default thread ID than the one requested using the API cuptiSetThreadIdType().
    • Fixed instruction level SASS metrics profiling for CUDA Graph applications.
    • When a device graph is first launched from the device and it is not launched from the host earlier, end timestamp could be 0 for graph-level tracing on Ampere and later GPU architectures. This issue is fixed.

Getting Started