Hi, I met a problem when I tried to deserialize a TensorRT engine and create the context. The system threw an Error like below:
“safeContext.cpp (124) - Cudnn Error in initializeCommonContext: 4 (Could not initialize cudnn, please check cudnn installation.)
INVALID_STATE: std::exception
INVALID_CONFIG:Deserialize the cuda engine failed.”
So I would like to claim my environment first.
TensorRT Version:
GPU Type: 1050Ti
Nvidia Driver Version: 440.82
CUDA Version: 10.2
CUDNN Version: 8.0.5
Operating System + Version: Ubuntu 18.04
Python Version (if applicable): not used
TensorFlow Version (if applicable): not used
PyTorch Version (if applicable): not used
Baremetal or Container (if container which image + tag):
I tried to find some useful information from github or previous posts. It seems like the problem caused by the incompatiblility among TensorRT, CUDA, CUDNN and CUDA driver versions.
However, I have checked the Cudnn-8.0.5 support matrix and found that, the related version of CUDA and driver is 10.2 and 440, so I would assume the version of these dependencies is correct.
Then I think there might be some wrong operations during the installation. So I would like to show the process of building environment.
Step 1: I download the TensorRT- (tar package), CUDA-10.2(runtime file), cudnn-8.0.5 (tar package) from the official website. (The driver 440.82 is already exists)
Step 2: I run the cuda runfile to install CUDA toolkit(without driver and samples). I decompress the TensorRT tar package and cudnn tar package.
Step 3: I copy the include files and .so libs from cudnn “include/lib” directory to cuda “include/lib64” directory.
Step 4: I exported the TensorRT lib path and cuda lib path.
Step 5: I put my resnet50.onnx model file to the directory TensorRT- and use ./trtexec to convert the model from .onnx to .trt using
./trtexec --onnx=resnet50.onnx --saveEngine=resnet50.trt
Step 6: I deserialize my model in C++ then it threw an error like above.
I get confused about the error log because the installation of cudnn was quite simple. I also tried to install cudnn using the debian package but still causing the same problem. I have seen the previous post that this error might cause by OOM but I am sure deserailizing an resnet50 model will not cost more than 4g memory. I have checked that before deserailzing the model there is 3+GB memory left.
Also there is one thing I forgot to mention. If there are both cudnn-7 and cudnn-8 exists in the system, will it affect the deserialization process?
I don’t know if I did something wrong, could anyone give some advise?
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Steps To Reproduce
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- Exact steps/commands to build your repro
- Exact steps/commands to run your repro
- Full traceback of errors encountered