cufftExecC2R and cufftExecR2C Memory Layout


im currently trying to implement some fourier Filters for 2D data. Recently i implemented them with the complex to complex transformation functions, which work like i wanted them to work ;). But i think i unterstood something wrong with the real2complex functions. Ill try to show what i do by a little 2x2 image example.

my image looks like:
I1 I2
I3 I4

and is represented in gpu space by [I1 I2 I3 I4]. (where Ii, 1<=i<=4 stands for pixel values in input image).

now comes the tricky part.
I’m doing the not-in-place fourier Transformation and get an array with interleaved complex data (page3 in the manual).

the result array should look like: [R1 C1 R2 C2] (with Ri and Ci Real and Complex part of resulting Fourier coefficients).

But im not tooo sure about that.
Acording to the manual again i have to do some padding because my transformation is not in-place.

Now i would do some resorting
R1 C1 → C2 R2
R2 C2 → C1 R1

But after performing the inverse transformation my ouput array/image doesn’t looke like the input External Image

Can anybody help me and tell me which step is wrong? Because i’m reading manuals for some hours and tried nearly everything.
Greetings XLRO