Curves in OptiX 7.4

Hi @shocker.0x15!

Good questions. We do need to update the curve.h header file, thank you for the reminder. Here’s a preview of what we’ll probably add the curve.h header, a reference function you can add to the CubicBSplineSegment class to give it Catmull-Rom powers that you can check against your implementation:

  __device__ __forceinline__ void initializeFromCatrom(const float4* q) {
    p[0] =                   (q[1] *  1.0f)                                  ;
    p[1] =  (q[0] * -1.0f)                  + (q[2] *  1.0f)                 ;
    p[2] =  (q[0] *  0.5f) + (q[1] * -2.5f) + (q[2] *  2.5f) + (q[3] * -0.5f);
    p[3] =                   (q[1] * -1.0f)                  + (q[3] *  1.0f);

For your second question, our official position is that all the buildFlags need to match. This is in part because we provide specialized variants on the intersectors depending on the flags. It’s important to note that even if there are flags that don’t need to match today, that might change in the future.

As it stands, it definitely matters whether the fast-trace / fast-build settings match because those already give you different intersector specializations. Unofficially, I think you might be able to get away with ignoring the matching updatable / compactable flag requirement for now, with the caveat that I don’t know if those could become requirements soon. When you have exceptions enabled, the intersector will throw an exception if flags it cares about fail to match properly, so that’s one way to double-check. If you want to ignore the updatable/compactable flags then it might be a good idea to have a test somewhere that runs with exceptions enabled so you can catch it quickly if we start checking those flags.
