Cusparse coo2csr not working with arrays in host memory, but works when in device memory

I am quite new to cuda, and I am interested in using it’s sparse solver for a project.
From the documentation I understand that I need to convert my COO-formatted sparse matrices to CSR format matrices for use in the sparse solver, So I am using the supplied cusparseXcoo2csr in the cusparse library:

cusparseXcoo2csr(cusparseHandle_t   handle,
                 const int*         cooRowInd,
                 int                nnz,
                 int                m,
                 int*               csrRowPtr,
                 cusparseIndexBase_t idxBase)

From testing it out, It seems to work when the cooRowInd and the csrRowPtr parameters are in the the device memory:

    int* csrRowPtr =0;

    int nnz = 9;

    int n = 4;

    int* cooRowIndex = 0;

    std::vector<int> temp_coo_ind = {0,0,0,1,2,2,2,3,3};

    cudaError_t cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&cooRowIndex , nnz * sizeof(cooRowIndex[0]));

    cudaStat1 = cudaMemcpy (cooRowIndex , ,
                             (size_t) (nnz * sizeof (cooRowIndex[0])) , cudaMemcpyHostToDevice ) ;

    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc ((void**) &csrRowPtr , (n+1) * sizeof (csrRowPtr[ 0 ])) ;

    int* h_csrRowPtr = (int*)malloc((n+1)*sizeof(int));

    auto status = cusparseXcoo2csr(cusparseHandle, /* used in residual evaluation */
                                   cooRowIndex, //on device memory
                                   csrRowPtr, //on device memory
                                   CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO );

    cudaMemcpy (h_csrRowPtr , csrRowPtr ,
                (size_t) ((n+1) * sizeof (h_csrRowPtr[0])) , cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost );

    std::vector<int> vec_csrRow(h_csrRowPtr,h_csrRowPtr+n+1); //vec_csrRow = [0,3,7,4,9] - OK!

when the cooRowInd and the csrRowPtr parameters are in the host memory, csrRowPtr is remains unchanged:

    int* csrRowPtr =0;

    int nnz = 9;

    int n = 4;

    int* cooRowIndex = 0;

    std::vector<int> temp_coo_ind = {0,0,0,1,2,2,2,3,3};

    cudaError_t cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc ((void**)&cooRowIndex , nnz * sizeof(cooRowIndex[0]));

    cudaStat1 = cudaMemcpy (cooRowIndex , ,
                             (size_t) (nnz * sizeof (cooRowIndex[0])) , cudaMemcpyHostToDevice ) ;

    cudaStat1 = cudaMalloc ((void**) &csrRowPtr , (n+1) * sizeof (csrRowPtr[ 0 ])) ;

    int* h_csrRowPtr = (int*)malloc((n+1)*sizeof(int));

    auto status = cusparseXcoo2csr(cusparseHandle, /* used in residual evaluation */
                         , //on host memory
                                   h_csrRowPtr, //on host memory
                                   CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO );

    std::vector<int> vec_csrRow(h_csrRowPtr,h_csrRowPtr+n+1); // vec_csrRow != [0,3,7,4,9]

Why is this? What am I doing wrong here, and how can I get the conversion to work in host memory? thanks!

Because the data is expected to be in device memory. I’m not aware of cusparse providing conversion routines that work in host memory.

Thank you!
I suspected that was the case, but it is not stated definitively in the cusparse documentation, and I had to make sure because the cusolver library does have routines that work in host memory.

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