I tried to train customer data using Tianx and detect using Tx1, but detection result between jetson-inference2.3 and Digits5.1 is different. How I can do it?
1,I have trained customer data(640x480) using “Object Detection Model” of Digits5.1 on Titanx. And test the detection result. It is right.
2,I copied the deploy.prototxt,snapshot_iter_44718.caffemodel,mean.binaryproto from digit job(desktop) to jetson-inference/data/networks/can-detect(Tx1)
3,I added the codes to detectNet.cpp
else if( networkType == CANNET )
return Create("can-detect/deploy.prototxt", "can-detect/snapshot_iter\
_44718.caffemodel", NULL, threshold );
And add CANNET to NetworkType
enum NetworkType
PEDNET = 0, /**< Pedestrian / person detector */
PEDNET_MULTI, /**< Multi-class pedestrian + baggage detector */
FACENET, /**< Human facial detector trained on FDDB */
4,I change detectnet-console.cpp
detectNet* net = detectNet::Create( detectNet::CANNET );
5,compile source code. and do following
cd build/aarch64/bin/
./detectnet-console ~/000001.png test.png
I got the following log. And no bounding boxes detected
args (3): 0 [./detectnet-console] 1 [/home/ubuntu/000001.png] 2 [test.png]
[GIE] attempting to open cache file can-detect/snapshot_iter_44718.caffemodel.tensorcache
[GIE] loading network profile from cache… can-detect/snapshot_iter_44718.caffemodel.tensorcache
[GIE] platform has FP16 support.
[GIE] can-detect/snapshot_iter_44718.caffemodel loaded
[GIE] CUDA engine context initialized with 3 bindings
[GIE] can-detect/snapshot_iter_44718.caffemodel input binding index: 0
[GIE] can-detect/snapshot_iter_44718.caffemodel input dims (c=3 h=480 w=640) size=3686400
[cuda] cudaAllocMapped 3686400 bytes, CPU 0x100be0000 GPU 0x100be0000
[GIE] can-detect/snapshot_iter_44718.caffemodel output 0 coverage binding index: 1
[GIE] can-detect/snapshot_iter_44718.caffemodel output 0 coverage dims (c=1 h=30 w=40) size=4800
[cuda] cudaAllocMapped 4800 bytes, CPU 0x100f80000 GPU 0x100f80000
[GIE] can-detect/snapshot_iter_44718.caffemodel output 1 bboxes binding index: 2
[GIE] can-detect/snapshot_iter_44718.caffemodel output 1 bboxes dims (c=4 h=30 w=40) size=19200
[cuda] cudaAllocMapped 19200 bytes, CPU 0x101080000 GPU 0x101080000
can-detect/snapshot_iter_44718.caffemodel initialized.
[cuda] cudaAllocMapped 16 bytes, CPU 0x101180000 GPU 0x101180000
maximum bounding boxes: 4800
[cuda] cudaAllocMapped 76800 bytes, CPU 0x101280000 GPU 0x101280000
[cuda] cudaAllocMapped 19200 bytes, CPU 0x101084c00 GPU 0x101084c00
loaded image /home/ubuntu/000001.png (640 x 480) 4915200 bytes
[cuda] cudaAllocMapped 4915200 bytes, CPU 0x101380000 GPU 0x101380000
detectnet-console: beginning processing network (1486882943368)
[GIE] layer data_zipper - 2.631052 ms
[GIE] layer deploy_transform - 12.228993 ms
[GIE] layer conv1/7x7_s2 + conv1/relu_7x7 - 53.802921 ms
[GIE] layer pool1/3x3_s2 - 19.526569 ms
[GIE] layer pool1/norm1 - 10.890100 ms
[GIE] layer conv2/3x3_reduce + conv2/relu_3x3_reduce - 6.804786 ms
[GIE] layer conv2/3x3 + conv2/relu_3x3 - 79.133278 ms
[GIE] layer conv2/norm2 - 30.936037 ms
[GIE] layer pool2/3x3_s2 - 11.421520 ms
[GIE] layer inception_3a/1x1 + inception_3a/relu_1x1 - 4.354577 ms
[GIE] layer inception_3a/pool - 8.521206 ms
[GIE] layer inception_3a/3x3_reduce + inception_3a/relu_3x3_reduce||inception_3a/5x5_reduce + inception_3a/relu_5x5_reduce - 8.130891 ms
[GIE] layer inception_3a/pool_proj + inception_3a/relu_pool_proj - 4.320050 ms
[GIE] layer inception_3a/3x3 + inception_3a/relu_3x3 - 19.570831 ms
[GIE] layer inception_3a/5x5 + inception_3a/relu_5x5 - 8.269312 ms
[GIE] layer inception_3a/output - 0.004579 ms
[GIE] layer inception_3b/1x1 + inception_3b/relu_1x1 - 10.281731 ms
[GIE] layer inception_3b/pool - 17.472097 ms
[GIE] layer inception_3b/3x3_reduce + inception_3b/relu_3x3_reduce||inception_3b/5x5_reduce + inception_3b/relu_5x5_reduce - 4.868997 ms
[GIE] layer inception_3b/pool_proj + inception_3b/relu_pool_proj - 1.542526 ms
[GIE] layer inception_3b/3x3 + inception_3b/relu_3x3 - 10.316626 ms
[GIE] layer inception_3b/5x5 + inception_3b/relu_5x5 - 5.218524 ms
[GIE] layer inception_3b/output - 0.001526 ms
[GIE] layer pool3/3x3_s2 - 3.395788 ms
[GIE] layer inception_4a/1x1 + inception_4a/relu_1x1 - 2.107104 ms
[GIE] layer inception_4a/pool - 1.957631 ms
[GIE] layer inception_4a/3x3_reduce + inception_4a/relu_3x3_reduce||inception_4a/5x5_reduce + inception_4a/relu_5x5_reduce - 1.083473 ms
[GIE] layer inception_4a/pool_proj + inception_4a/relu_pool_proj - 1.021736 ms
[GIE] layer inception_4a/3x3 + inception_4a/relu_3x3 - 2.887999 ms
[GIE] layer inception_4a/5x5 + inception_4a/relu_5x5 - 0.477894 ms
[GIE] layer inception_4a/output - 0.001526 ms
[GIE] layer inception_4b/1x1 + inception_4b/relu_1x1 - 2.262683 ms
[GIE] layer inception_4b/pool - 2.072526 ms
[GIE] layer inception_4b/3x3_reduce + inception_4b/relu_3x3_reduce||inception_4b/5x5_reduce + inception_4b/relu_5x5_reduce - 2.240104 ms
[GIE] layer inception_4b/pool_proj + inception_4b/relu_pool_proj - 0.983473 ms
[GIE] layer inception_4b/3x3 + inception_4b/relu_3x3 - 3.339946 ms
[GIE] layer inception_4b/5x5 + inception_4b/relu_5x5 - 0.742736 ms
[GIE] layer inception_4b/output - 0.001421 ms
[GIE] layer inception_4c/1x1 + inception_4c/relu_1x1 - 1.230631 ms
[GIE] layer inception_4c/pool - 2.033367 ms
[GIE] layer inception_4c/3x3_reduce + inception_4c/relu_3x3_reduce||inception_4c/5x5_reduce + inception_4c/relu_5x5_reduce - 2.198315 ms
[GIE] layer inception_4c/pool_proj + inception_4c/relu_pool_proj - 1.055736 ms
[GIE] layer inception_4c/3x3 + inception_4c/relu_3x3 - 3.942683 ms
[GIE] layer inception_4c/5x5 + inception_4c/relu_5x5 - 0.739473 ms
[GIE] layer inception_4c/output - 0.001684 ms
[GIE] layer inception_4d/1x1 + inception_4d/relu_1x1 - 1.157157 ms
[GIE] layer inception_4d/pool - 2.064420 ms
[GIE] layer inception_4d/3x3_reduce + inception_4d/relu_3x3_reduce||inception_4d/5x5_reduce + inception_4d/relu_5x5_reduce - 2.274368 ms
[GIE] layer inception_4d/pool_proj + inception_4d/relu_pool_proj - 0.934473 ms
[GIE] layer inception_4d/3x3 + inception_4d/relu_3x3 - 3.617524 ms
[GIE] layer inception_4d/5x5 + inception_4d/relu_5x5 - 0.873684 ms
[GIE] layer inception_4d/output - 0.001105 ms
[GIE] layer inception_4e/1x1 + inception_4e/relu_1x1 - 1.850052 ms
[GIE] layer inception_4e/pool - 1.319473 ms
[GIE] layer inception_4e/3x3_reduce + inception_4e/relu_3x3_reduce||inception_4e/5x5_reduce + inception_4e/relu_5x5_reduce - 1.708210 ms
[GIE] layer inception_4e/pool_proj + inception_4e/relu_pool_proj - 1.015473 ms
[GIE] layer inception_4e/3x3 + inception_4e/relu_3x3 - 4.248103 ms
[GIE] layer inception_4e/5x5 + inception_4e/relu_5x5 - 1.423105 ms
[GIE] layer inception_4e/output - 0.001210 ms
[GIE] layer inception_5a/1x1 + inception_5a/relu_1x1 - 2.831367 ms
[GIE] layer inception_5a/pool - 2.076315 ms
[GIE] layer inception_5a/3x3_reduce + inception_5a/relu_3x3_reduce||inception_5a/5x5_reduce + inception_5a/relu_5x5_reduce - 2.638472 ms
[GIE] layer inception_5a/pool_proj + inception_5a/relu_pool_proj - 1.510052 ms
[GIE] layer inception_5a/3x3 + inception_5a/relu_3x3 - 4.171524 ms
[GIE] layer inception_5a/5x5 + inception_5a/relu_5x5 - 1.419473 ms
[GIE] layer inception_5a/output - 0.001211 ms
[GIE] layer inception_5b/1x1 + inception_5b/relu_1x1 - 4.310366 ms
[GIE] layer inception_5b/pool - 1.914525 ms
[GIE] layer inception_5b/3x3_reduce + inception_5b/relu_3x3_reduce||inception_5b/5x5_reduce + inception_5b/relu_5x5_reduce - 2.785683 ms
[GIE] layer inception_5b/pool_proj + inception_5b/relu_pool_proj - 1.477104 ms
[GIE] layer inception_5b/3x3 + inception_5b/relu_3x3 - 5.633261 ms
[GIE] layer inception_5b/5x5 + inception_5b/relu_5x5 - 2.040999 ms
[GIE] layer inception_5b/output - 0.001105 ms
[GIE] layer cvg/classifier - 1.237052 ms
[GIE] layer bbox/regressor - 1.227894 ms
[GIE] layer coverage/sig - 0.026211 ms
[GIE] layer bboxes_unzipper - 0.010421 ms
[GIE] layer coverage_unzipper - 0.006263 ms
[GIE] layer network time - 423.834290 ms
detectnet-console: finished processing network (1486882943832)
0 bounding boxes detected
detectnet-console: writing 640x480 image to ‘test.png’
detectnet-console: successfully wrote 640x480 image to ‘test.png’
shutting down…