Device kernel hangs at -O and above


In the course of reorganising some of our codebase, I came across an issue where a certain device kernel hangs at runtime when compiled at -O or above (-O, -O2, etc.). With -O1, it works as expected.

The basic structure of for loops, break and return statements comes directly from code that has been working in production for some time. The changes that triggered the bug were mainly organisational, moving code from .cpp to .hpp and so on, rather than changing the structure of the kernels.

The real code in question is unfortunately quite convoluted, but I have done my best to produce a stand alone example that still demonstrates the issue. The device kernel that causes problems is:

struct Elm {
 unsigned row{};
 unsigned col{};
 Elm *r_down{};
 Elm *c_left{}; // only on host
 Elm *c_right{};
struct SparseObj {
 Elm **rowst{}; // only on host
 Elm **diag{};
 unsigned neqn{};
inline void subrow(SparseObj *so, Elm *pivot, Elm *rowsub) {
 for (auto el = pivot->c_right; el; el = el->c_right) {
  for (rowsub = rowsub->c_right; rowsub->col != el->col;
     rowsub = rowsub->c_right) {
inline int matsol(SparseObj *so) {
 for (unsigned i = 0; i < so->neqn; i++) {
  Elm *pivot{so->diag[i]};
  for (auto el = pivot->r_down; el; el = el->r_down) {
   subrow(so, pivot, el);
 return 0;
void device_kernel(SparseObj *so, int n) {
 for (int i = 0; i < n;) {
  int ierr = matsol(so);
  if (ierr)
  for (int j = 1; j <= n; j++)
 for (unsigned i = 0; i < so->neqn; ++i) {
int main() {
 auto *so = host_init(3);
#pragma acc parallel loop present(so)
 for (int i = 0; i < 1; ++i) {
  device_kernel(so, 1);

unfortunately setting up the data structure (host_init) is a little convoluted. The code for that is given below; rest assured the original was more complicated.

If I compile this with nvc++ -V22.3 -acc -gpu=managed -Mautoinline -O1 then it executes without any problem.

If I change -O1 to -O then it hangs. CUDA-GDB shows

(cuda-gdb) info cuda threads
 BlockIdx ThreadIdx To BlockIdx ThreadIdx Count    Virtual PC
Kernel 0
* (0,0,0) (0,0,0)  (0,0,0) (0,0,0)  1 0x0000000000a79670
  (0,0,0) (1,0,0)  (0,0,0) (31,0,0)  31 0x0000000000a79700
  (0,0,0) (32,0,0)  (0,0,0) (127,0,0)  96 0x0000000000a79730
(cuda-gdb) x/1i $pc
=> 0xa79670 <main_136_gpu+496>: WARPSYNC 0xffffffff

(cuda-gdb) cuda thread 1
[Switching focus to CUDA kernel 0, grid 1, block (0,0,0), thread (1,0,0), device 0, sm 0, warp 0, lane 1]
0x0000000000a79700   139    device_kernel(so, 1);
(cuda-gdb) x/1i $pc
=> 0xa79700 <main_136_gpu+640>: WARPSYNC 0xffffffff

(cuda-gdb) cuda thread 32
[Switching focus to CUDA kernel 0, grid 1, block (0,0,0), thread (32,0,0), device 0, sm 0, warp 1, lane 0]
0x0000000000a79730   139    device_kernel(so, 1);
(cuda-gdb) x/1i $pc
=> 0xa79730 <main_136_gpu+688>: LDS.U R6, [RZ]

Can this be fixed in an upcoming release? Note we have historically used -Mautoinline to work around other issues with non-trivial offloaded kernels.

#include <cassert>
inline Elm *getelm(SparseObj *so, unsigned row, unsigned col) {
 Elm *el{}, *elnext{};
 if (row == col) {
  el = so->diag[row];
  assert(el->row == row);
  assert(el->col == col);
  return so->diag[row];
 assert(row > col);
 for (el = so->diag[col];; el = elnext) {
  elnext = el->r_down;
  if (!elnext) {
  if (elnext->row == row) {
   assert(elnext->col == col);
   return elnext;
  if (elnext->row > row) {
 auto *new_elem = new Elm{};
 new_elem->col = col;
 new_elem->row = row;
 el->r_down = new_elem;
 for (el = so->diag[row];; el = elnext) {
  elnext = el->c_left;
  if (!elnext) {
  if (elnext->col < col) {
 new_elem->c_left = el->c_left;
 el->c_left = new_elem;
 new_elem->c_right = el;
 if (new_elem->c_left) {
  new_elem->c_left->c_right = new_elem;
 } else {
  so->rowst[row] = new_elem;
 return new_elem;
SparseObj *host_init(int maxeqn) {
 auto *so = new SparseObj{};
 so->neqn = maxeqn;
 so->rowst = new Elm *[maxeqn];
 so->diag = new Elm *[maxeqn];
 for (unsigned i = 0; i < maxeqn; i++) {
  auto *el = new Elm{};
  el->row = el->col = i;
  so->diag[i] = so->rowst[i] = el;
 for (int i = 0; i < maxeqn; ++i) {
  for (int j = i; j < maxeqn; ++j) {
   getelm(so, j, i);
 // Sanity check
 for (int col = 0; col < maxeqn; ++col) {
  for (int row = col; row < maxeqn; ++row) {
   auto *el = getelm(so, row, col);
   assert(el->row == row);
   assert(el->col == col);
   if (row < maxeqn - 1) {
    assert(el->r_down->row == row + 1);
   } else {
   if (col) {
    assert(el->c_left->col == col - 1);
   } else {
   // only the lower left triangle + diagonal are populated
   if (col < row) {
    assert(el->c_right->col == col + 1);
   } else {
 return so;
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Hi Olli,

I tested the code against the 22.5 pre-release and no longer see the hang, but now see an illegal warp address error.

My best guess as to what’s happening in both cases, is that when inlining is applied, the compiler’s auto-parallelization feature can now attempt to parallelize the loops within the routines. Due to dependencies, it’s only vector parallelizing the empty “so->neqn” loop in “device_kernel”. I suspect there’s some type of barrier issue where more than one thread is executing part of the sequential sections thus causing a race condition on setting “pivot”.

The work around is to disable auto-parallelization, either by explicitly setting the loop schedule (i.e. add “gang vector”):

#pragma acc parallel loop gang vector present(so)
 for (int i = 0; i < 1; ++i) {
  device_kernel(so, 1);

Or globally via the flag “-acc=noautopar”.

Now you may want to do this anyway since I’m not sure the intention is to have the loops in the routines be run in parallel.

Give this a try in the full application and let me know if it helps.



Hi Mat,

Thanks a lot for the quick reply. I checked in the full application and both your workarounds work!

I also tested a third workaround, annotating the for (auto el = pivot->r_down; el; el = el->r_down) loop in matsol with #pragma acc loop seq, and found that that also works to avoid the deadlock.

Best, Olli

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