Docker Image for Jetson AGX Orin for pytorch and cuda

I need a docker image containing pytorch which is able to detect cuda on
I tried different docker images like NVIDIA CUDA(CUDA | NVIDIA NGC), PyTorch Container for Jetson and JetPack(NVIDIA L4T PyTorch | NVIDIA NGC) images and then tried to install torch and detect the cuda but it was returning false.
I have cuda version 12.2
ubundu version 22.04
jetpack info:
Package: nvidia-jetpack
Source: nvidia-jetpack (6.0)
Version: 6.0+b87
Architecture: arm64

How can i have a container with a pytorch and detect cuda with it.



The CUDA container is for dGPU users.
Please find the image for Jetson below:


For the PyTorch image, the L4T PyTorch only supports up to JetPack 5.
Please switch to the PyTorch image below with iGPU tag:



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