Does Audio2Face has Unreal Video tutorials?

I m a beginner I want to use audio2face on metahuman. now video tutorials are maya, are there unreal video tutorials or documentation? and What things should be paid attention to?

Hello @chay.h! Welcome to the Community!
Our current tutorial playlist for Audio2Face does not have a video for Unreal yet. I have submitted a request to the tutorial team for videos specifically about this.

I will direct your post to the Audio2Face team to help you get started.

Do you have any specific questions that you would like them to answer?

@chay.h! The Audio2Face team has informed me that we don’t currently have Unreal Engine Support for Audio2Face.

The development team is working on it!

Hi, @chay.h The current version of A2F on launcher supports exporting to Audio2Face. Here is the tutorial.

External audio import into A2F can play generated facial animation, can you do real time dialogue?

Audio2Face supports the “live mode”, where you can convert real time dialogue to facial animation.
Regarding UE/Metahuman, the live mode cannot drive Metahumans yet.

do we know when metahumans will be supported in live mode?

We don’t have a specific target release date for that feature yet, but hope to push it soon as the feature is requested by multiple users.