Deepstream version : 6.3
Jetpack version: 5.1.2
TRT: 8.5.2
Issue: I tried to generate DLA TRT engine for YoloV8 using ‘enable-dla’ flag. However, many layers were not supported and GPU fallback mode was enabled for the same. Still, I am able to run the inference using ‘deepstream-app’ but the fps rate is heavily affected and dropped from 130 to 20 (fps).
Will the support be given for yolov8 or yolo-nas in the near future?
Also, please let me know if there’ s any way to improve the fps rate.
Dear @le.lokaram.t,
When you use DLA, if there is a non DLA supported layer, it will pushed to GPU. So there will be intermediate data transfers across DLA and GPU which increases overall execution time. So the FPS is expected to drop. Please see Developer Guide :: NVIDIA Deep Learning TensorRT Documentation for details on supported layers and restrictions.