I have a model include op expand_as/tile, which does things like:
input_x_tensor_shape = (1,256,1,1)
out = input_x.expand_as(input_y) or out = tile(input_x,repeat_times=(1,1,h,w))
which dynamic shape means h,w is not fixed while inference,
Does tensorrt supoort this situation?
A clear and concise description of the bug or issue.
TensorRT Version:
tensorrt GPU Type:
T4 Nvidia Driver Version:
nvidia440.33 CUDA Version:
10.2 CUDNN Version:
cudnn 8.1.1 Operating System + Version:
centos 7.9 Python Version (if applicable):
TensorFlow Version (if applicable): PyTorch Version (if applicable): Baremetal or Container (if container which image + tag):
Relevant Files
Please attach or include links to any models, data, files, or scripts necessary to reproduce your issue. (Github repo, Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.)