DPDK Compiling MLX5 without libibverbs-dev?


I’m trying to suppport mlx5 on an Ubuntu based container with DPDK. Right now I don’t see mlx5 being compiled even though I have installed libibverbs on my container.

I am trying to connect a container to a Mellanox ConnectX6 VF (with testpmd) and have followed the steps provided in the DPDK documentation seen here - DPDK MLX5 compilation

However, when I install ‘libibverbs1’ and 'libibverbs-providers’, DPDK does not actually compile for mlx5. When I try this with the ‘libibverbs-dev’ package, I see that DPDK does compile the mlx5 drivers - is it possible to compile mlx5 without the use of ibverbs-dev?

