Dyanamic FPS/bitrate with nvv4l2h264enc & nvv4l2h265enc

We checked the sample but don’t see code about setting bitrate. For setting new bitrate, you should call gst_object_set():

  const char* const pipeline_launch_str
    = "videotestsrc pattern=ball is-live=TRUE "
      "! capsfilter name=src_caps_filter "
      " caps=video/x-raw,format=RGBA,width=1280,height=720,framerate=15/1 "
      "! nvvidconv "
      "! video/x-raw(memory:NVMM),format=I420"
      "! nvv4l2h264enc <b>name=myencoder</b> "
      "! fakesink num-buffers=150";
GstElement *encoder = gst_bin_get_by_name(GST_BIN(pipeline), "myencoder");
g_object_set(GST_OBJECT(encoder), "bitrate", _NEW_BITRATE_VALUE_, NULL);

For setting new framerate, we will check how to do it in gst-v4l2. It is supported and verified in tegra_multimedia_api 01_video_encode. gst-v4l2 is open source package and we need to check if this function is supported in default code flow, or we need to implement it.