I really need help.
I believe it’s a nsight compute bug but somehow specifically related to my code. The code has multiple kernels but none can be profiled by nsight compute. It’s built with --rdc=true, don’t if it matters.
I have windows 10 and 11 environment and already tested on visual studio 2019, GTX 2080 and GTX 3080, CUDA 11.4,11.1, 10.0, tried compute,sm=52,70,75,86… all with the latest nsight compute
The same error code 0xc00000fd (3221225725) comes up, I have no idea why.
Otherwsie, the code runs fine and no memory leak detected from cuda-memcheck.
Nsys works but I need kernel level profiling since both GPU is no longer supported by nvprof I have to use nsight compute.
I also tested SobolQRNG in the CUDA samples with the setup, works fine.
Nsight compute output:
Launched process: ncu.exe (pid: 24364)
C:/Program Files/NVIDIA Corporation/Nsight Compute 2021.2.2/target/windows-desktop-win7-x64/ncu.exe --export “C:/Users/gueux/Documents/NVIDIA Nsight Compute/profile_%i” --force-overwrite --target-processes application-only --replay-mode kernel --kernel-name-base function --launch-skip-before-match 0 --section ComputeWorkloadAnalysis --section LaunchStats --section Occupancy --section SpeedOfLight --sampling-interval auto --sampling-max-passes 5 --sampling-buffer-size 33554432 --profile-from-start 1 --cache-control all --clock-control base --apply-rules yes --import-source no --check-exit-code yes C:/Users/gueux/source/repos/patchV1/x64/Debug\patchV1.exe -c C:\Users\gueux\Repos\patchV1\src\profiling.cfg
Launch succeeded.
==PROF== Connected to process 25172 (C:\Users\gueux\source\repos\patchV1\x64\Debug\patchV1.exe)
==ERROR== Failed to prepare kernel for profiling
==ERROR== Failed to profile kernel “logRand_init” in process 25172
==ERROR== The application returned an error code (3221225725).
==ERROR== An error occurred while trying to profile.
==WARNING== No kernels were profiled.
==WARNING== Profiling kernels launched by child processes requires the --target-processes all option.
Process terminated.