September 2, 2024, 12:34am
My environment is as follows:
I had export the onnx model of yolov7 ,and try to convert the model on the platform of jetpack4.5.1 with deepstream5.1, but got an error as below:
But the same onnx file can be transfered successfully on the following environment:
Hope someone can help to give some advice, thanks in advance!
Dear @lmw0320 ,
So the model is working on Jetpack 5.1 and not working on Jetpack 4.5.1?
September 3, 2024, 12:16am
I herein with the snapshoot of onnx file graph:
Dear @lmw0320 ,
It appears to be an issue with old onnxparser. Can’t you upgrade to latest Jetpack release?
September 3, 2024, 8:37am
We have install other softwares on the platform. So it is impossible to update whole environment or it may cause huge work.
We just want to know whether the onnxparser plugins can be upgraded independently…
We just try to build the plugins by the open source code, but failed:
onnx/onnx-tensorrt at release/7.1 (github.com) .
the errors are shown below:
We notice for other customers, similar issue was gone with Jetpack 4.6.1 and the accompanying TensoRT 8.2.
September 9, 2024, 6:31am
Does it mean not possible to rebuild the plugins for TensorRT7.x ?
If upgrade the Jetpack, it may cause huge modifications.
Dear @lmw0320 ,
I dont think building TRT 7.x plugin from github fix the issue. We recommend to upgrade the Jetpack.