Error in CUDA programming guide?

The following code was taken from CUDA 2.3 programming guide. I found that it is the same in the latest released CUDA 3.0 programming guide.
To me, the code has an error: make_cudaExtent(64, 64, 64) should be make_cudaExtent(64 * sizeof(float), 64, 64)

Can anyone confirm whether I’m correct or not? Thanks!

// Host code
cudaPitchedPtr devPitchedPtr;
cudaExtent extent = make_cudaExtent(64, 64, 64);
cudaMalloc3D(&devPitchedPtr, extent);
MyKernel<<<100, 512>>>(devPitchedPtr, extent);

// Device code
global void MyKernel(cudaPitchedPtr devPitchedPtr, cudaExtent extent)
char* devPtr = devPitchedPtr.ptr;
size_t pitch = devPitchedPtr.pitch;
size_t slicePitch = pitch * extent.height;
for (int z = 0; z < extent.depth; ++z)
char* slice = devPtr + z * slicePitch;
for (int y = 0; y < extent.height; ++y)
float* row = (float*)(slice + y * pitch);
for (int x = 0; x < extent.width; ++x)
float element = row;

You are correct. Thanks for catching this… we’ll correct it for the next version of the programming guide.


Here, with your change, I believe “extent.width” is equal to “64 * sizeof(float)”, so I’ll tend to use

for (int x = 0; x < extent.width / sizeof(float); ++x) 


		float element = row[x];

so that it runs the loop only 64 times.

Am I right?

Oh, yes, also another good catch. Thanks again.

I completely concur see my post:

cudaMemcpy3D and cudaMalloc, cudaDeviceToDevice copies

Wish I would have seen this post first.

I completely concur see my post:

cudaMemcpy3D and cudaMalloc, cudaDeviceToDevice copies

Wish I would have seen this post first.