I am using pbrun minimap2 with ONT reads with command:
docker run --gpus all --rm \
--volume $(pwd):/workdir --volume $(pwd):/output_dir \
nvcr.io/nvidia/clara/clara-parabricks:4.2.1-1 \
pbrun minimap2 \
--preset map-ont \
--index /workdir/workdir/Reference_genomic.mmi\
--ref /workdir/workdir/Reference_genomic.fna \
--out-bam /workdir/output_dir/ONT_minimap2_alignment.bam \
--in-fq /workdir/all_ONT_long_Reads.fastq.gz
I get the following output:
[PB Info 2024-Jan-18 10:13:15] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[PB Info 2024-Jan-18 10:13:15] || Parabricks accelerated Genomics Pipeline ||
[PB Info 2024-Jan-18 10:13:15] || Version 4.2.1-1.beta4 ||
[PB Info 2024-Jan-18 10:13:15] || GPU-PBBWA mem, Sorting Phase-I ||
[PB Info 2024-Jan-18 10:13:15] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[PB Info 2024-Jan-18 10:13:15] Reading reference file.
[PB Info 2024-Jan-18 10:13:15] -------------------------------------
[PB Info 2024-Jan-18 10:13:15] Elapsed-Minutes Processed-Reads
[PB Info 2024-Jan-18 10:13:15] -------------------------------------
[PB Info 2024-Jan-18 10:13:15] 0.0 0
[PB Error 2024-Jan-18 10:13:16][src/reader.cpp:122] sizeOfSeq 114270 exceeds MAX_READ_SIZE 100000, expected sizeOfSeq < MAX_READ_SIZE, exiting.
For technical support visit Clara Parabricks v4.2.0 - NVIDIA Docs
Please visit NVIDIA Clara - NVIDIA Docs for detailed documentation
Is it possible to reset this value? I am guessing this error is popping up because it encountered a very long read in the read files.
Please advise.