Error message: Call in OpenACC region to procedure 'pgf90_sect_i8' which has no acc routine

I am encountering the error “Call in OpenACC region to procedure ‘pgf90_sect_i8’ which has no acc routine” inside a subroutine that’s marked !$acc routine seq when specifying a subarray of a multidimensional array on the RHS of an associate statement. Below is a small reproducer. Thanks, -John

Script started on Tue 02 Mar 2021 04:06:52 PM MST
$ which pgf90

$ cat array_section.F90
module mod_compute_laplacian
  type diffusion_t
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:,:) :: rhs
  end type diffusion_t
  subroutine compute_laplacian(this)
implicit none
type(diffusion_t),          intent(inout), target :: this
integer ib
!$acc routine(compute_laplacian) seq
#ifdef BUG
associate( rhs => this%rhs(:,:,:,ib) )
associate( rhs => this%rhs )
end associate
  end subroutine compute_laplacian
end module mod_compute_laplacian

$ pgf90 -ta=tesla:cc70 -c array_section.F90

$ pgf90 -ta=tesla:cc70 -DBUG -c array_section.F90
NVFORTRAN-S-1000-Call in OpenACC region to procedure 'pgf90_sect_i8' which has no acc routine information (array_section.F90: 17)
  0 inform,   0 warnings,   1 severes, 0 fatal for compute_laplacian

$ exit

Script done on Tue 02 Mar 2021 04:07:37 PM MST

Hi John,

I don’t believe we support this within device code due to the need to creation the section descriptor (not all the Fortran runtime has been ported to the device code). Though I put in an RFE, TPR #29681, and we’ll see if it’s something we can add.
