Error occurred while saving object to jpg file in Deepstream 6.2 SDK

Please provide complete information as applicable to your setup.

**• Hardware Platform (Jetson / GPU): Orin NX
**• DeepStream 6.2
**• JetPack Version 5.1
**• TensorRT Version
**• NVIDIA GPU Driver Version: Orin NX
**• Issue Type: Question

We develop application using Deepstream 6.2 SDK on Orin NX.
For saving images, we use object encode API - nvds_obj_enc_process().
Once we run this app, error message is out, the app is stopped.
Error log as below:
nvll_batch_jpeg_enc: Failed to set gpu-id with error: cudaErrorInvalidDevice

What does this meesage mean? How can I fix it?

By the way, this method works when we develop app on previous Deepstream 6.1.1/Orin AGX.

There is some change in DS6.2. The interface nvds_obj_enc_create_context() is changed to nvds_obj_enc_create_context(int gpu_id).

Please refer to /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/sources/apps/sample_apps/deepstream-image-meta-test for more details.

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