Errors from gLogger

Jetpack 4.2 on jetson nano

I am facing a weird issue. I am using tensorRT on jetson nano with Cpp API. I have converted a ssdmobilenet model from frozen buffer format to uff format with file available in the sample code.
Following is my workflow:

  1. read uff file.
  2. create a fp16 engine.
  3. save the engine so that it can be used for next inferences.
  4. access the saved engine and do inferences.

Everything runs smoothly for the first run. But for the second run, whenever initiLibNvInferPlugins is executed,

initLibNvInferPlugins(&gLogger, "");

these errors appear on the terminal:

Could not register plugin creator  GridAnchor_TRT Namespace 
Could not register plugin creator  NMS_TRT Namespace 
Could not register plugin creator  Reorg_TRT Namespace 
Could not register plugin creator  Region_TRT Namespace 
Could not register plugin creator  Clip_TRT Namespace 
Could not register plugin creator  LReLU_TRT Namespace 
Could not register plugin creator  PriorBox_TRT Namespace 
Could not register plugin creator  Normalize_TRT Namespace 
Could not register plugin creator  RPROI_TRT Namespace 
Could not register plugin creator  GridAnchor_TRT Namespace 
Could not register plugin creator  NMS_TRT Namespace 
Could not register plugin creator  Reorg_TRT Namespace 
Could not register plugin creator  Region_TRT Namespace 
Could not register plugin creator  Clip_TRT Namespace 
Could not register plugin creator  LReLU_TRT Namespace 
Could not register plugin creator  PriorBox_TRT Namespace 
Could not register plugin creator  Normalize_TRT Namespace 
Could not register plugin creator  RPROI_TRT Namespace

Am I missing something here?
Thanks in advance.

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I am facing the same issue. Any solutions yet?