Grid fails with error 700 (Illegal Memory Access), when reaching specific size, without obvious reason

In my work, I’m calculating eigenvectors\eigenvalues for multiple specific 6x6 complex-valued matrices. In my case, I’m able to use semianalitical approach to solve this problem. I had wrote a kernel to perform this work and found that grid launch\ run of grid blocks fails when amount of blocks reaches specific number. In this example, 10000 blocks in release mode is enought for GTX1080, but when I use only one block, and printf values everything is ok. If I left in my code only the part that works with evaluation of eigennumbers, excluding the part for vectors calculation, this problem disapears. Can somebody explain what is wrong and how I can fix this.

Windows 10
Visual Studio 2022
CUDA 11.7
Driver 516.59
GTX 1080

how I launching

 	blocks = 1;
	//blocks = 10000; // an illegal memory access will encountered in release version
	host_config.EVEN_Db = host_config.EVEN_Db;
	 knx9_EVEN_LIST_optV5d21_solver_v3d1 << <blocks, 9, 0, host_config.EVEN_Stream >> > (pdevice_config);

my kernel

__global__ void knx9_EVEN_LIST_optV5d21_solver_v3d1(DGPU_PROBLEM_CONFIG_t* device_config)
	//one in layerXproblem =  one block
	__shared__ cuComplex sh_A2inv[9];
	__shared__ cuComplex sh_Abuilt[18];
	__shared__ cuComplex sh_temp_det_matrices[36];
	__shared__ cuComplex sh_part_of_DET[12];
	__shared__ cuComplex sh_interp_points_dets_coefs[8];
	__shared__ cuComplex sh_refined_sor_roots_EV_cache[42];
	__shared__ cuComplex sh_problem4[4];
	__shared__ bool only_real;

	//======sys solver
	__shared__ int sh_diffrent_en;
	__shared__ int sh_sysbuild_worksize;
	__shared__ int sh_en_order[6];
	__shared__ int sh_store_offsets[6];
	__shared__ cuComplex sh_BC_storage[18];
	__shared__ cuComplex sh_EN_for_sys[6];
	__shared__ cuComplex sh_systems[216];

	__shared__ cuComplex sh_EN_backup[6];

	int tid = threadIdx.x;

	if (tid == 0)
		only_real = device_config->flag_only_real;

	int problems_ = device_config->problems_in_use;
	int layers_ = device_config->layers_in_use;
	int total_ = problems_ * layers_;

	int bid = blockIdx.x;
	bid = 0;
	while (bid < total_)
		//define problem and layer
		int  problem_ = bid / layers_;
		int  layer_ = bid % layers_;

		if (tid < 3) //3 el*4 matr
			sh_problem4[tid] = device_config->problems_ptr[problem_ + tid];
		//	printf("check point 1\n");

		tid = threadIdx.x;

		cuComplex temp_gamma = sh_problem4[2];
		cuComplex temp_alpha = sh_problem4[0];
		cuComplex temp_omega = sh_problem4[1];
		//cuComplex temp_z = sh_problem4[3];

		float t1f_ = __expf(temp_gamma.y);
		float t1f = __fdividef(1.0f, t1f_);
		float t2f = __fmul_rn(__cosf(temp_gamma.x), 0.5f);
		float t3f = __fmul_rn(__sinf(temp_gamma.x), 0.5f);

		float t2mt1 = __fmul_rn(t1f, t2f);
		float t3mt1 = __fmul_rn(t1f, t3f);
		float t2dt1 = __fmul_rn(t2f, t1f_);
		float t3dt1 = __fmul_rn(t3f, t1f_);

		cuComplex alpha1 = __cuCmulf(temp_alpha, make_cuComplex(__fadd_rn(t2mt1, t2dt1), __fsub_rn(t3mt1, t3dt1)));
		cuComplex alpha2 = __cuCmulf(temp_alpha, make_cuComplex(-__fadd_rn(t3mt1, t3dt1), __fsub_rn(t2mt1, t2dt1)));
		cuComplex alpha11 = __cuCmulf(alpha1, alpha1);
		cuComplex alpha12 = __cuCmulf(alpha1, alpha2);
		cuComplex alpha22 = __cuCmulf(alpha2, alpha2);
		//step 1 build lower part of temp matrix 
		cuComplex t1 = __cuCmulf(device_config->Axx_Storage[tid], alpha11);//alpha_1^2 *A_01
		cuComplex t2 = __cuCmulf(device_config->Axx_Storage[tid + 9], alpha22);//alpha_2^2*A_02
		cuComplex t3 = __cuCmulf(device_config->Axx_Storage[tid + 18], alpha12);// alpha_1*alpha_2*A_03

		cuComplex t4 = __cuCaddf(__cuCaddf(t1, t2), t3);//alpha_1^2 *A_01 + alpha_2^2*A_02+  alpha_1*alpha_2*A_03
		cuComplex t5 = __cuCmulf(__cuCmulf(device_config->Axx_Storage[tid + 27], temp_omega), temp_omega);

		sh_Abuilt[tid] = __cuCsubf(t4, t5);

		t1 = __cuCmulf(device_config->Axx_Storage[tid + 36], alpha1);
		t2 = __cuCmulf(device_config->Axx_Storage[tid + 45], alpha2);
		sh_Abuilt[tid + 9] = __cuCaddf(t1, t2);
		sh_A2inv[tid] = device_config->Axx_Storage[tid + 54];

		//step 2 mult  lower part of temp matrix  with inverse
		__syncthreads; //need all work  to be done before calculation

		int i = tid % 3;
		int j = tid / 3;

		cuComplex cache_i0 = sh_A2inv[i + 0];
		cuComplex cache_i3 = sh_A2inv[i + 3];
		cuComplex cache_i6 = sh_A2inv[i + 6];
		cuComplex temp = __cuCmulf(cache_i0, sh_Abuilt[0 + j * 3]);
		temp = __cuCfmaf(cache_i3, sh_Abuilt[1 + j * 3], temp);
		temp = __cuCfmaf(cache_i6, sh_Abuilt[2 + j * 3], temp);

		cuComplex cache_sh_Abuilt18 = temp;//B

		temp = __cuCmulf(cache_i0, sh_Abuilt[9 + 0 + j * 3]);
		temp = __cuCfmaf(cache_i3, sh_Abuilt[9 + 1 + j * 3], temp);
		temp = __cuCfmaf(cache_i6, sh_Abuilt[9 + 2 + j * 3], temp);

		float diag = __fsub_rn(__saturatef((float)abs(i - j)), 1.0f);

		//step 3 calculate determenants
		// first is calculate summ of matrix

		cuComplex lambda0 = make_cuComplex(1.0f, 0.0f);
		cuComplex lambda1 = make_cuComplex(0.0f, 1.0f);
		cuComplex lambda2 = make_cuComplex(0.70710677f, 0.70710677f);
		cuComplex lambda3 = make_cuComplex(-0.70710677f, 0.70710677f);
		cuComplex cache_sh_Abuilt27 = make_cuComplex(-temp.y, temp.x);//C

		//caching for system
		sh_BC_storage[tid] = cache_sh_Abuilt18;
		sh_BC_storage[tid + 9] = cache_sh_Abuilt27;

		//printf("lambda_sqrt[0] %f %f\n", lambda.x, lambda.y);
		//temp = __cuCfmaf(cuCmulf(lambda, lambda), diag, cache_sh_Abuilt18);
		cuComplex  temp0 = __cuCsqc_mulr_addc_f(lambda0, diag, cache_sh_Abuilt18);
		cuComplex  temp1 = __cuCsqc_mulr_addc_f(lambda1, diag, cache_sh_Abuilt18);
		cuComplex  temp2 = __cuCsqc_mulr_addc_f(lambda2, diag, cache_sh_Abuilt18);
		cuComplex  temp3 = __cuCsqc_mulr_addc_f(lambda3, diag, cache_sh_Abuilt18);

		temp0 = __cuCfmaf(lambda0, cache_sh_Abuilt27, temp0);
		temp1 = __cuCfmaf(lambda1, cache_sh_Abuilt27, temp1);
		temp2 = __cuCfmaf(lambda2, cache_sh_Abuilt27, temp2);
		temp3 = __cuCfmaf(lambda3, cache_sh_Abuilt27, temp3);

		sh_temp_det_matrices[tid] = temp0;
		sh_temp_det_matrices[tid + 9] = temp1;
		sh_temp_det_matrices[tid + 18] = temp2;
		sh_temp_det_matrices[tid + 27] = temp3;

		//second step is to calculate is determenant exactly

		int det_offset = 9 * j;

		float sign = (float)(1 - 2 * i % 2);
		int index1 = (i + 1) % 3;
		int index2 = (i + 2) % 3;
		//printf("check point 2\n");
		//need all work to be  done before calculation

		cuComplex a = __cuCmulf(sh_temp_det_matrices[det_offset + 1 + 3 * index1], sh_temp_det_matrices[det_offset + 2 + 3 * index2]);
		cuComplex b = __cuCmulf(sh_temp_det_matrices[det_offset + 2 + 3 * index1], sh_temp_det_matrices[det_offset + 1 + 3 * index2]);
		cuComplex t = __cuCmulf(sh_temp_det_matrices[det_offset + 0 + 3 * i], sign);
		sh_part_of_DET[tid] = __cuCmulf(t, __cuCsubf(a, b));

		if (tid < 3) //3 el*4 matr
			det_offset = det_offset + 27;

			a = __cuCmulf(sh_temp_det_matrices[det_offset + 1 + 3 * index1], sh_temp_det_matrices[det_offset + 2 + 3 * index2]);
			b = __cuCmulf(sh_temp_det_matrices[det_offset + 2 + 3 * index1], sh_temp_det_matrices[det_offset + 1 + 3 * index2]);
			t = __cuCmulf(sh_temp_det_matrices[det_offset + 0 + 3 * i], sign);
			sh_part_of_DET[9 + tid] = __cuCmulf(t, __cuCsubf(a, b));

		if (tid < 4) //3 el*4 matr
			sh_interp_points_dets_coefs[tid] = __cuCaddf(__cuCaddf(sh_part_of_DET[0 + 3 * tid], sh_part_of_DET[1 + 3 * tid]), sh_part_of_DET[2 + 3 * tid]);

		//step 4 calculate interpolation polynom + normalize 
		if (tid < 4) //3 el*4 matr
			cuComplex temp = __cuCmulf(const_lagrange_matr[tid + 0], sh_interp_points_dets_coefs[0]);
			temp = __cuCfmaf(const_lagrange_matr[tid + 4], sh_interp_points_dets_coefs[1], temp);
			temp = __cuCfmaf(const_lagrange_matr[tid + 8], sh_interp_points_dets_coefs[2], temp);
			temp = __cuCfmaf(const_lagrange_matr[tid + 12], sh_interp_points_dets_coefs[3], temp);
			sh_interp_points_dets_coefs[tid + 4] = temp;

		//printf("check point 3\n");
		/*	if (tid == 0)
				printf("sh_interp_points_dets_coefs \n ");
				for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
					printf(" (%f %f)\n ", sh_interp_points_dets_coefs[i].x, sh_interp_points_dets_coefs[i].y);

		if (tid == 0)
			cuComplex a = sh_interp_points_dets_coefs[3 + 4];
			cuComplex a_ = __cuCinversef(a);
			cuComplex b = __cuCmulf(sh_interp_points_dets_coefs[2 + 4], a_);
			cuComplex c = __cuCmulf(sh_interp_points_dets_coefs[1 + 4], a_);
			cuComplex d = __cuCmulf(sh_interp_points_dets_coefs[0 + 4], a_);
			//a = make_cuComplex(1.0f, 0.0f);

			cuComplex b2 = __cuCsquaref(b);
			cuComplex delta_cardano = __cuCmulf(b, -0.33333334f);
			cuComplex t2_ = __cuCmulf(__cuCmulf(c, b), 0.33333334f);

			cuComplex p = __cuCsubf(c, __cuCmulf(b2, 0.33333334f));
			cuComplex t1_ = __cuCmulf(__cuCmulf(b, b2), 0.074074075f);
			cuComplex q = __cuCaddf(__cuCsubf(t1_, t2_), d);

			t1_ = __cuCmulf(p, 0.33333334f);
			t2_ = __cuCmulf(q, 0.5f);

			cuComplex pd3q = __cuCcubef(t1_);

			cuComplex qd2k = __cuCsquaref(t2_);
			cuComplex Q = __cuCaddf(pd3q, qd2k);

			cuComplex Qrt = __cuCsqrtf(Q);

			cuComplex alpha3 = __cuCsubf(Qrt, t2_);
			cuComplex alpha = __cuCcbrtf(alpha3);

			cuComplex beta = __cuCdivf(t1_, alpha);

			cuComplex root0 = __cuCsubf(alpha, beta);
			t1_ = __cuCmulf(root0, -0.5f);

			t2_ = make_cuComplex(0.0f, 0.8660254f);
			cuComplex t3_ = __cuCaddf(alpha, beta);
			t3_ = __cuCmulf(t2_, t3_);
			t2_ = __cuCaddf(t1_, delta_cardano);

			cuComplex root1 = __cuCaddf(t2_, t3_);
			cuComplex root2 = __cuCsubf(t2_, t3_);
			root0 = __cuCaddf(delta_cardano, root0);
			root1 = __cuCsqrtf(root1);
			root2 = __cuCsqrtf(root2);
			root0 = __cuCsqrtf(root0);

			bool isotropic = device_config->ptr_isisotropic[bid]; // cache value before access, memory access is very slow

			float  sign = (float)(1 - 2 * (root0.x < 0));
			root0.x *= sign;
			root0.y *= sign;

			sign = (float)(1 - 2 * (root1.x < 0));
			root1.x *= sign;
			root1.y *= sign;

			sign = (float)(1 - 2 * (root2.x < 0));
			root2.x *= sign;
			root2.y *= sign;

			if (root0.x < root1.x)
				cuComplex t = root0;
				root0 = root1;
				root1 = t;

			if (root0.x < root2.x)
				cuComplex t = root0;
				root0 = root2;
				root2 = t;

			if (root1.x < root2.x)
				cuComplex t = root1;
				root1 = root2;
				root2 = t;

			//             FIND ROOTS ORDER AND PACK

			float max0 = cuCL1f(root0); //IN sh_refined_sor_roots_EV_cache
			float max1 = cuCL1f(root1); //IN is isotropic
			float max2 = cuCL1f(root2); //IN EN_diff_threshold
			cuComplex d1 = root0 - root1; //OUT list of diffrent EN  
			cuComplex d2 = root1 - root2; //OUT orders of EN
			float d1_abs = cuCL1f(d1) / max(max0, max1);//OUT refined sh_refined_sor_roots_EV_cache
			float d2_abs = cuCL1f(d2) / max(max1, max2);
			float min_dif = min(d1_abs, d2_abs);
			int ind = (int)(d1_abs > d2_abs);
			float EN_diff_threshold = 1.0e-5;
			bool l_flag_2nd_orderEN = (min_dif < EN_diff_threshold) || isotropic;

			//	printf("check point 4\n");
			int counter = 0;
			int no_of_en = 0;
			if (l_flag_2nd_orderEN)
				//	printf("ind %d\n", ind);
				int i0 = 2 - 1 * ind;
				int i1 = 2 - 1 * (1 - ind);
				int i2 = 2 - 1 * (1 - ind);
				int i3 = 2 - 1 * ind;

				sh_en_order[0] = i0;
				sh_en_order[1] = i1;
				sh_en_order[2] = i2;
				sh_en_order[3] = i3;

				sh_store_offsets[0] = 6;
				int s = 6 + 6 * i0;
				sh_store_offsets[1] = s;
				s += 6 * i1;
				sh_store_offsets[2] = s;
				s += 6 * i2;
				sh_store_offsets[3] = s;

				sh_diffrent_en = 4;

				sh_EN_backup[0] = root0; // printf("root 0 %f %f\n", root0.x, root0.y);
				sh_EN_backup[1] = root1; // printf("root 1 %f %f\n", root1.x, root1.y);
				sh_EN_backup[2] = root2; // printf("root 2 %f %f\n", root2.x, root2.y);

				sh_EN_backup[3] = make_cuComplex(-root2.x, -root2.y);
				sh_EN_backup[4] = make_cuComplex(-root1.x, -root1.y);
				sh_EN_backup[5] = make_cuComplex(-root0.x, -root0.y);

				//4numbers are located in temp array
				if (ind == 0)
					cuComplex root_ = __cuCmulf(__cuCaddf(root0, root1), 0.5f);
					sh_EN_for_sys[0] = root_;
					sh_EN_for_sys[1] = root2;
					sh_EN_for_sys[2] = make_cuComplex(-root2.x, -root2.y);
					sh_EN_for_sys[3] = make_cuComplex(-root_.x, -root_.y);
					cuComplex root_ = __cuCmulf(__cuCaddf(root1, root2), 0.5f);
					sh_EN_for_sys[0] = root0;//printf("lroot_ %f %f\n", root_.x, root_.y);
					sh_EN_for_sys[1] = root_;
					sh_EN_for_sys[2] = make_cuComplex(-root_.x, -root_.y);
					sh_EN_for_sys[3] = make_cuComplex(-root0.x, -root0.y);
			{// don't need to change anything
				sh_diffrent_en = 6;

				sh_en_order[0] = 1;
				sh_en_order[1] = 1;
				sh_en_order[2] = 1;
				sh_en_order[3] = 1;
				sh_en_order[4] = 1;
				sh_en_order[5] = 1;

				sh_EN_for_sys[0] = root0;
				sh_EN_for_sys[1] = root1;
				sh_EN_for_sys[2] = root2;
				sh_EN_for_sys[3] = make_cuComplex(-root2.x, -root2.y);
				sh_EN_for_sys[4] = make_cuComplex(-root1.x, -root1.y);
				sh_EN_for_sys[5] = make_cuComplex(-root0.x, -root0.y);

				sh_store_offsets[0] = 6;
				sh_store_offsets[1] = 12;
				sh_store_offsets[2] = 18;
				sh_store_offsets[3] = 24;
				sh_store_offsets[4] = 30;
				sh_store_offsets[5] = 36;


			sh_sysbuild_worksize = sh_diffrent_en * 9; // 
		//	printf("bid %d sh_sysbuild_worksize %d\n", bid, sh_sysbuild_worksize);
			// upper and botton part is building in parralel, so  x9  not x18

		//printf("check point 5\n");

		tid = threadIdx.x;
		cuComplex cache1 = sh_BC_storage[tid];
		cuComplex cache2 = sh_BC_storage[tid + 9];
		for (int ev_id = 0; ev_id < sh_diffrent_en; ev_id++)
		{// i, j found at start of "while"
			cuComplex ev = sh_EN_for_sys[ev_id];
			int fast_index = ev_id * 36 + i + j * 6;
			cuComplex t = make_cuComplex(-diag, 0.0f) * ev;
			float  diag = 1.0f - __saturatef((float)abs(i - j));
			sh_systems[fast_index] = t;
			sh_systems[fast_index + 18] = make_cuComplex(diag, 0.0f);
			sh_systems[fast_index + 3] = cache1;// [B |C-lE ]
			sh_systems[fast_index + 21] = cache2 + t;

		if (tid == 0)
			printf("bid %d sh_systems start\n", bid);
			for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
				for (int j_ = 0; j_ < 6; j_++)
					cuComplex x = sh_systems[i + j_ * 6];
					printf("(%- .5ff, %- .5ff) ", x.x, x.y);





		while (tid < sh_diffrent_en * 3)
			int tid_ = tid % 3;
			int mid_ = tid / 3;

			for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
				cuComplex lead = sh_systems[36 * mid_ + (3 + tid_) + 3 * 6];
				for (int ii = 0; ii < 6; ii++)
					sh_systems[36 * mid_ + (3 + tid_) + ii * 6] = sh_systems[36 * mid_ + (3 + tid_) + ii * 6] - (lead * sh_systems[36 * mid_ + 0 + ii * 6]);
				lead = sh_systems[36 * mid_ + (3 + tid_) + 4 * 6];
				for (int ii = 0; ii < 6; ii++)
					sh_systems[36 * mid_ + (3 + tid_) + ii * 6] = sh_systems[36 * mid_ + (3 + tid_) + ii * 6] - (lead * sh_systems[36 * mid_ + 1 + ii * 6]);
				lead = sh_systems[36 * mid_ + (3 + tid_) + 5 * 6];
				for (int ii = 0; ii < 6; ii++)
					sh_systems[36 * mid_ + (3 + tid_) + ii * 6] = sh_systems[36 * mid_ + (3 + tid_) + ii * 6] - (lead * sh_systems[36 * mid_ + 2 + ii * 6]);
			tid += blockDim.x;
		tid = threadIdx.x;

		if (tid == 0)
			printf("bid %d sh_systems red 3\n", bid); 
			for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
				for (int j_ = 0; j_ < 6; j_++)
					cuComplex x = sh_systems[i + j_ * 6];
					printf("(%- .5ff, %- .5ff) ", x.x, x.y);



		int target_tid = 0;

		if (tid < sh_diffrent_en)
			cuComplex r0 = sh_systems[36 * tid + (3 + 0) + 0 * 6];
			cuComplex r1 = sh_systems[36 * tid + (3 + 0) + 1 * 6];
			cuComplex r2 = sh_systems[36 * tid + (3 + 0) + 2 * 6];

			float L1_0 = cuCL1f(r0) + cuCL1f(r1) + cuCL1f(r2);

			float max = L1_0;
			r0 = sh_systems[36 * tid + (3 + 1) + 0 * 6];
			r1 = sh_systems[36 * tid + (3 + 1) + 1 * 6];
			r2 = sh_systems[36 * tid + (3 + 1) + 2 * 6];

			float L1_1 = cuCL1f(r0) + cuCL1f(r1) + cuCL1f(r2);
			int index_max = L1_1 > max;
			max = (float)(1 - index_max) * L1_0 + L1_1 * (float)index_max;

			r0 = sh_systems[36 * tid + (3 + 2) + 0 * 6];
			r1 = sh_systems[36 * tid + (3 + 2) + 1 * 6];
			r2 = sh_systems[36 * tid + (3 + 2) + 2 * 6];

			float L1_2 = cuCL1f(r0) + cuCL1f(r1) + cuCL1f(r2);
			int classifier = L1_2 > max;
			index_max = index_max * (1 - classifier) + 2 * classifier;
			max = max * (float)(1 - classifier) + L1_2 * (float)(classifier);
			if (target_tid == tid)
				printf("L1_0 %f \n", L1_0);
				printf("L1_1 %f \n", L1_1);
				printf("L1_2 %f \n", L1_2);
				printf("max %f \n", max);
				printf("index_max %d \n", index_max);

			cuComplex t0 = sh_systems[36 * tid + (index_max + 3) + 0 * 6];
			cuComplex t1 = sh_systems[36 * tid + (index_max + 3) + 1 * 6];
			cuComplex t2 = sh_systems[36 * tid + (index_max + 3) + 2 * 6];

			sh_systems[36 * tid + (index_max + 3) + 0 * 6] = sh_systems[36 * tid + (0 + 3) + 0 * 6];
			sh_systems[36 * tid + (index_max + 3) + 1 * 6] = sh_systems[36 * tid + (0 + 3) + 1 * 6];
			sh_systems[36 * tid + (index_max + 3) + 2 * 6] = sh_systems[36 * tid + (0 + 3) + 2 * 6];


			cuComplex L22 = (__cuCsqabsf(t0) + __cuCsqabsf(t1)) + __cuCsqabsf(t2);
			cuComplex Linv =make_cuComplex( - 1.0 / sqrtf(L22.x),0.0f);
			t0 = t0 * Linv;
			t1 = t1 * Linv;
			t2 = t2 * Linv;
			L22 = (__cuCsqabsf(t0) + __cuCsqabsf(t1)) + __cuCsqabsf(t2);
			Linv = make_cuComplex(-1.0 / sqrtf(L22.x), 0.0f);
			if (target_tid == tid)
				printf("L22 %f %f \n", L22.x, L22.y);
				printf("Linv %f %f  \n", Linv.x, Linv.y);
				printf("t0 %f %f \n", t0.x, t0.y);
				printf("t1 %f %f \n", t1.x, t1.y);
				printf("t2 %f %f \n", t2.x, t2.y);
			sh_systems[36 * tid + (0 + 3) + 0 * 6] = t0;
			sh_systems[36 * tid + (0 + 3) + 1 * 6] = t1;
			sh_systems[36 * tid + (0 + 3) + 2 * 6] = t2;

			if (target_tid == tid)
				printf("target_tid == %d sh_systems\n", target_tid);
				for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
					for (int j_ = 0; j_ < 6; j_++)
						cuComplex x = sh_systems[i + j_ * 6];
						printf("(%- .5ff, %- .5ff) ", x.x, x.y);


			for (int ii = 1; ii < 6; ii++)
				int index_i = (3 + ii) % 6; 
				cuComplex b0 = sh_systems[36 * tid + index_i + 0 * 6];
				cuComplex b1 = sh_systems[36 * tid + index_i + 1 * 6];
				cuComplex b2 = sh_systems[36 * tid + index_i + 2 * 6];
				if (target_tid == tid)
				printf("b0 %f %f \n", b0.x, b0.y); //some math mistakes here is not important now
				printf("b1 %f %f \n", b1.x, b1.y);
				printf("b2 %f %f \n", b2.x, b2.y);
				cuComplex scalp = __cuCmul_conjf(b0, t0);
				scalp = scalp + __cuCmul_conjf(b1, t1); 
				scalp = scalp + __cuCmul_conjf(b2, t2);

				cuComplex k = scalp * Linv;
				if (target_tid == tid)
					printf("scalp %f %f \n", scalp.x, scalp.y);
					printf("k %f %f  \n", k.x, k.y);

				for (int jj = 0; jj < 6; jj++)
						sh_systems[36 * tid + index_i + jj * 6] = __cuCfmaf(k, sh_systems[36 * tid + 3 + jj * 6],sh_systems[36 * tid + index_i + jj * 6]);

			if (target_tid == tid)
				printf("target_tid == %d sh_systems red pre 6\n", target_tid);
				for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
					for (int j_ = 0; j_ < 6; j_++)
						cuComplex x = sh_systems[i + j_ * 6];
						printf("(%- .5ff, %- .5ff) ", x.x, x.y);

			int ev_order = sh_en_order[tid];
			if (ev_order == 1)
				r0 = sh_systems[36 * tid + (3 + 1) + 0 * 6];
				r1 = sh_systems[36 * tid + (3 + 1) + 1 * 6];
				r2 = sh_systems[36 * tid + (3 + 1) + 2 * 6];

				float L1_1 = cuCL1f(r0) + cuCL1f(r1) + cuCL1f(r2);
				int index_max = 1;
				max = L1_1;

				r0 = sh_systems[36 * tid + (3 + 2) + 0 * 6];
				r1 = sh_systems[36 * tid + (3 + 2) + 1 * 6];
				r2 = sh_systems[36 * tid + (3 + 2) + 2 * 6];

				float L1_2 = cuCL1f(r0) + cuCL1f(r1) + cuCL1f(r2);
				int classifier = L1_2 > max;
				index_max = index_max * (1 - classifier) + 2 * classifier;
				max = max * (float)(1 - classifier) + L1_2 * (float)(classifier);

				t0 = sh_systems[36 * tid + (index_max + 3) + 0 * 6];
				t1 = sh_systems[36 * tid + (index_max + 3) + 1 * 6];
				t2 = sh_systems[36 * tid + (index_max + 3) + 2 * 6];

				sh_systems[36 * tid + (index_max + 3) + 0 * 6] = sh_systems[36 * tid + (1 + 3) + 0 * 6];
				sh_systems[36 * tid + (index_max + 3) + 1 * 6] = sh_systems[36 * tid + (1 + 3) + 1 * 6];
				sh_systems[36 * tid + (index_max + 3) + 2 * 6] = sh_systems[36 * tid + (1 + 3) + 2 * 6];

				cuComplex L22 = (__cuCsqabsf(t0) + __cuCsqabsf(t1)) + __cuCsqabsf(t2);
				cuComplex Linv = make_cuComplex(-1.0 / sqrtf(L22.x), 0.0f);
				t0 = t0 * Linv;
				t1 = t1 * Linv;
				t2 = t2 * Linv;
				L22 = (__cuCsqabsf(t0) + __cuCsqabsf(t1)) + __cuCsqabsf(t2);
				Linv = make_cuComplex(-1.0 / sqrtf(L22.x), 0.0f);

				sh_systems[36 * tid + (1 + 3) + 0 * 6] = t0;
				sh_systems[36 * tid + (1 + 3) + 1 * 6] = t1;
				sh_systems[36 * tid + (1 + 3) + 2 * 6] = t2;

				for (int ii = 1; ii < 6; ii++)
					int index_i = (4 + ii) % 6;
					cuComplex b0 = sh_systems[36 * tid + index_i + 0 * 6];
					cuComplex b1 = sh_systems[36 * tid + index_i + 1 * 6];
					cuComplex b2 = sh_systems[36 * tid + index_i + 2 * 6];
					if (target_tid == tid)
						printf("b0 %f %f \n", b0.x, b0.y);
						printf("b1 %f %f \n", b1.x, b1.y);
						printf("b2 %f %f \n", b2.x, b2.y);
					cuComplex scalp = __cuCmul_conjf(b0, t0);
					scalp = scalp + __cuCmul_conjf(b1, t1);
					scalp = scalp + __cuCmul_conjf(b2, t2);

					cuComplex k = scalp * Linv;
					if (target_tid == tid)
						printf("scalp %f %f \n", scalp.x, scalp.y);
						printf("k %f %f  \n", k.x, k.y);

					for (int jj = 0; jj < 6; jj++)
						sh_systems[36 * tid + index_i + jj * 6] = __cuCfmaf(k, sh_systems[36 * tid + 3 + jj * 6], sh_systems[36 * tid + index_i + jj * 6]);


		tid = threadIdx.x;


		if (target_tid == tid )
			printf("target_tid == %d sh_systems red final 6\n", target_tid   );
			for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
				for (int j_ = 0; j_ < 6; j_++)
					cuComplex x = sh_systems[i + j_ * 6];
					printf("(%- .5ff, %- .5ff) ", x.x, x.y);



		//if (tid == 0)
		//	printf("bid %d EV EN \n", bid);
		//	printf("bid %d ", bid);
		//	for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
		//	{
		//		for (int j_ = 0; j_ < 7; j_++)
		//		{
		//			cuComplex x = sh_refined_sor_roots_EV_cache[i + j_ * 6];
		//			printf("(%- .5ff, %- .5ff) ", x.x, x.y);
		//		}
		//		printf("\n");
		//	}
		//	printf("\n");


		tid = threadIdx.x;

		//while (tid < 42)
		//	device_config->EVEN_Storage[bid * 42 + tid] = sh_refined_sor_roots_EV_cache[tid];
		//	tid = tid + blockDim.x;

		bid += gridDim.x;

		//printf("check point 9\n");
		bid = total_ + 1;


I would always assume the possibility for a kernel launch timeout on windows running on a WDDM GPU (and GeForce GPUs are always in WDDM mode.) This topic is covered in numerous places. You may also wish to be sure you are using proper CUDA error checking.

More generally, you can use this method to isolate an illegal access to a single line of source code (assuming it is not triggered by a kernel timeout), and you can find an overview of debugging here.

What I found:

========= Invalid shared write of size 8 bytes
========= at 0x25d0 in knx9_EVEN_LIST_optV5d21_solver_v3d1(DGPU_PROBLEM_CONFIG_t *)
========= by thread (1,0,0) in block (1805,0,0)
========= Address 0xad8 is out of bounds
========= Saved host backtrace up to driver entry point at kernel launch time
========= Host Frame:cuEventRecordWithFlags [0x7ffaac266018]
========= in C:\Windows\system32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nvmdig.inf_amd64_4a922d3e93437ff6\nvcuda64.dll
========= Host Frame:cudart::cudaApiLaunchKernel [0x8db3]
========= in C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\CUDA_11.7_PDE_V1.0.078__\x64\Release\CUDA_11.7_PDE_V1.0.0.0.exe
========= Host Frame:cudart::cudaApiLaunchKernel [0x8c76]
========= in C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\CUDA_11.7_PDE_V1.0.078__\x64\Release\CUDA_11.7_PDE_V1.0.0.0.exe
========= Host Frame:cudaLaunchKernel [0x7fa1]
========= in C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\CUDA_11.7_PDE_V1.0.078__\x64\Release\CUDA_11.7_PDE_V1.0.0.0.exe
========= Host Frame:knx9_EVEN_LIST_optV5d21_solver_v3d1 [0x69dd]
========= in C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\CUDA_11.7_PDE_V1.0.078__\x64\Release\CUDA_11.7_PDE_V1.0.0.0.exe
========= Host Frame:TestEVopt [0x70f4]
========= in C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\CUDA_11.7_PDE_V1.0.078__\x64\Release\CUDA_11.7_PDE_V1.0.0.0.exe
========= Host Frame:main [0x33b9]
========= in C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\CUDA_11.7_PDE_V1.0.078__\x64\Release\CUDA_11.7_PDE_V1.0.0.0.exe
========= Host Frame:D:\a_work\1\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl:288:scrt_common_main_seh [0x1ad40]
========= in C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\CUDA_11.7_PDE_V1.0.078
========= Host Frame:BaseThreadInitThunk [0x7ffb5a187034]
========= in C:\Windows\System32\KERNEL32.DLL
========= Host Frame:RtlUserThreadStart [0x7ffb5c162651]
========= in C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll

As I understand I need to use parameters to extract exact line of code, but this output showing what I probably had done something wrong with indices in shared memory arrays.

Hope I will find exact reason of this problem in some time…


add the -lineinfo switch to the compilation specification.

Once you know the specific line of knx9_EVEN_LIST_optV5d21_solver_v3d1 that is causing the fault, if you wish to carry debug further, you can even use in-kernel if statements to check calculated indices against known limits. This sort of debug strategy has been successful for me on numerous occasions in the past.

In this case, since its a shared write, there is likely to be only one of those on the indicated line. In that case you immediately have an indexing calculation to focus further inspection.

Based on the relative ease that you have now arrived at a specific target to focus on, and taking into account that your original post does not give others the ability to run your code and therefore avail themselves of this powerful debug technique, perhaps now you can see why your original post makes it still relatively difficult for others to help you, compared to the relative ease at which you yourself have arrived at this important debug juncture.

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Finally I found a solution to my problem. The incorrect indexing is due to the fact that I forgot about the synchronization between index calculation and shared memory access. It also describes the reason for the strange behavior of the kernel - when only one block was executed on the SM, the first thread was processed before other threads and everything was fine. But when the second block arrives, the second thread executes first and tries to access the memory before the index can be correctly calculated, which causes an error.

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