GstAudioLevelMeta Propagation

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• Hardware Platform (Jetson / GPU)
• DeepStream Version
• TensorRT Version
10.3 (in DS7.1 Docker container)
• NVIDIA GPU Driver Version (valid for GPU only)
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If I introduce metadata (e.g. GstAudioLevelMeta) to an audio stream by using a filter upstream of a muxer, will that metadata be propagated past the muxer and further downstream? Or is any metadata in the buffer prior to the muxer ignored/overwritten?

I ask as I’m trying to do exactly what I mentioned above, but I’m noticing that the metadata in question further downstream isn’t recoverable (i.e. is NULL).

I know that the “level” plugin/filter does work if I use it in an ordinary GStreamer pipeline, so I’m hoping it will work in a DeepStream pipeline as well.

Thank you in advance.

Please refer to the sample /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/sources/apps/sample_apps/deepstream-gst-metadata-test

Thank you for your reply.

So, if I’m understanding the linked source correctly, the pipeline MUST make use of DeepStream-specific functions (e.g. gst_buffer_add_nvds_meta()) in order to attach any metadata before the muxer. Is that correct?

(According to MetaData in the DeepStream SDK — DeepStream documentation, I believe it is correct.)

If so, that means that existing GStreamer plugins (e.g. gst-plugins-good/tests/examples/level at master · GStreamer/gst-plugins-good · GitHub) will not be able to be used to attach metadata, unless I was to create a custom version of that plugin/filter that makes use of the DeepStream-specific code mentioned above. Is that also correct?

Yes. The customized metadata can’t be handled by the open source native GStreamer plugins.

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