GStreamer to record video and get epoch times

Hello everyone,
I am spending hours and hours trying to find a solution for my problem. I hope you can give me a hint to finally solve it.

I have the following configuration:

  • Nvidia AGX Orin Developer Kit 64 Gb
  • Deserializer board with 6x full HD cameras via GSML2
  • All cameras are synchronized to 30 FPS
  • All cameras are accessible via /dev/video*
  • Jetpack 5.1.1

I need to get the image timestamps in epoch time for each frame. Ideally the timestamp at which the image was taken, or the earliest timestamp possible.

I tried the following approaches
Approach 1

Using OpenCV and GStreamer’s appsink to use video-writing and simply reading the epoch time before video-writing. To get the data in cv::Mat, I use mainly "v4l2src device=$(arg DEVICE) ! video/x-raw ! nvvidconv flip-method=0 ! video/x-raw,width=(int)$(arg IMG_WIDTH), height=(int)$(arg IMG_HEIGHT), format=(string)BGRx ! videoconvert ! appsink drop=1"

However, this solution is not accurate enough since the framerate of the cameras differs from time to time from 29.x to 30.x FPS. Thus, I have identified a mismatch between the number of timestamps written in the text file and the number of frames in the video. A similiar source can be found in this stackoverflow topic.

Appraoch 2
Using FFmpeg with the idea to write the epoch time of the start as meta-data and record the time since start. At the end, I am merging everything together.
I am recording the video data per: ffmpeg -f v4l2 -i /dev/video0 -c:v libx264 -preset ultrafast -use_wallclock_as_timestamps 1 -fflags +genpts -metadata date="${EPOCHREALTIME/[^0-9]/}" video0.mp4>/dev/null
One solution can be found in my Repo.
This solution works OK. However, due to the used FFmpeg, the code does not use HW-acceleration.

Therefore my specific question
Is it possible to record the video from /dev/video0 /dev/video5 using GStreamer and HW-acceleration while keeping the timing information of every image?

If the cameras are connected to CSI ports of AGX Orin, the timestamp is timing of capturing the frame data in kernel. It may be overwritten in gstreamer frameworks. If you need the kernel timestamps, you can try nvv4l2camerasrc and customize it to get the information. By default the plugin supports UYVY. The source code is in
Driver Package (BSP) Sources

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