GTX 1070 crash when at 100% in multiples games

Hello. For some times now, my GTX 1070 crash whenever it get at 100% utilisation in a game.
That is to note that the problem appear only on linux, not on windows at all, so a hardware problem may be out of the line.
The troubleshooting steps I’ve taken are:

  • Reinstall Arch
  • Try on Fedora and Ubuntu
  • Change PCIE slot on the motherboard.
  • Try having the OS and the game on another SSD,
  • Try drivers 535 and 550.
  • Disable compositor.

I am able to reproduce the issue consistently by playing the first 1 or 2 minutes of the first level of Metal Hellsinger, or by firing a few shot of a gun in Resident Evil 4 Remake.

Here is the bug report (I’ve changed the .gz for .zip) (591.8 KB)

Thanks in advance for any help

In Marvel’s Midnight Suns, using in the hub the ability to open door generate a lot of particules, and reliably crash the game. dmesg gives the following log:

[sam.  6 avril 11:06:25 2024] umip: MidnightSuns-Wi[5875] ip:14e25c28c sp:bef6b8: SGDT instruction cannot be used by applications.
[sam.  6 avril 11:06:25 2024] umip: MidnightSuns-Wi[5875] ip:14e25c28c sp:bef6b8: For now, expensive software emulation returns the result.
[sam.  6 avril 11:06:25 2024] umip: MidnightSuns-Wi[5875] ip:1585b0b97 sp:bef6b8: SGDT instruction cannot be used by applications.
[sam.  6 avril 11:06:25 2024] umip: MidnightSuns-Wi[5875] ip:1585b0b97 sp:bef6b8: For now, expensive software emulation returns the result.
[sam.  6 avril 11:06:26 2024] umip: MidnightSuns-Wi[5875] ip:148c08f19 sp:befd60: SGDT instruction cannot be used by applications.
[sam.  6 avril 11:08:07 2024] NVRM: GPU at PCI:0000:0a:00: GPU-3e20841c-f5e4-1b96-ad22-29dbcb56a716
[sam.  6 avril 11:08:07 2024] NVRM: Xid (PCI:0000:0a:00): 8, pid='<unknown>', name=<unknown>, Channel 000000d7