I tried to install CUDA 5 on my ubuntu 12.4 64bit with GeForce 210 is not working so I have to go with the installation of CUDA 4 from Cuda - Community Help Wiki and i have get an error in that, can you help me
Motherboard - GIGABYTE - GA-G31M-S2L with PCI-E x16
processor -Intel Core2 Duo CPU E7300 @ 2.66GHz x 2
Memory - 4 GB
OS type - 64-bit ubuntu 12.4
GeForce 210 - GIGABYTE compatible with PCI-E 3.0 Motherboard and running at PCI-E 2.0 speed
in CUDA 5
chmod +x cuda_5.0.35_linux_64_rhel5.x-1.run
sudo ./cuda_5.0.35_linux_64_rhel5.x-1.run
the error with CUDA 5
nstalling the NVIDIA display driver...
= Summary =
Driver: Installation Failed
Toolkit: Installation skipped
Samples: Installation skipped
Logfile is /tmp/cuda_install_5413.log
the error with CUDA 4 by going through the steps of installation from Cuda - Community Help Wiki
to Installation of CUDA Toolkit i have to type
sudo apt-get install libxi-dev libxmu-dev freeglut3-dev build-essential binutils-gold
cd ~/Desktop
wget http://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/4_2/rel/toolkit/cudatoolkit_4.2.9_linux_64_ubuntu11.04.run
wget http://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/4_2/rel/sdk/gpucomputingsdk_4.2.9_linux.run
cd ~/Desktop
chmod +x cudatoolkit_4.2.9_linux_*
sudo ./cudatoolkit_4.2.9_linux_*
Enter install path (default /usr/local/cuda, '/cuda' will be appended):
i Enter “/opt”
and the result
* Please make sure your PATH includes /opt/cuda/bin
* Please make sure your LD_LIBRARY_PATH
* for 32-bit Linux distributions includes /opt/cuda/lib
* for 64-bit Linux distributions includes /opt/cuda/lib64:/opt/cuda/lib
* OR
* for 32-bit Linux distributions add /opt/cuda/lib
* for 64-bit Linux distributions add /opt/cuda/lib64 and /opt/cuda/lib
* to /etc/ld.so.conf and run ldconfig as root
* Please read the release notes in /opt/cuda/doc/
* To uninstall CUDA, remove the CUDA files in /opt/cuda
* Installation Complete
so i have typed:
sudo rm -r /opt/cuda
and again
chmod +x cudatoolkit_4.2.9_linux_*
sudo ./cudatoolkit_4.2.9_linux_*
Enter install path (default /usr/local/cuda, '/cuda' will be appended):
i Enter "/opt"
the result it’s same like before
so install the Installation of GPU Computing SDK
chmod +x gpucomputingsdk_4.2.9_linux.run
When it will ask you:
Enter install path (default ~/NVIDIA_GPU_Computing_SDK):
press [enter] (to use default path), and type /opt when it will ask you:
Enter CUDA install path (default /usr/local/cuda):
but when i type /opt the
Enter CUDA install path (default /usr/local/cuda): /opt
touch: cannot touch `/home/kedh/NVIDIA_GPU_Computing_SDK/empty': Permission denied
* Unable to write to directory /home/kedh/NVIDIA_GPU_Computing_SDK.
* Installation Aborted