nvcc /home/sp2412/CUDA\ Examples/hello_world.cu
/home/sp2412/CUDA Examples/hello_world.cu(3): error: this declaration has no storage class or type specifier
/home/sp2412/CUDA Examples/hello_world.cu(3): error: expected a ";"
At end of source: warning: parsing restarts here after previous syntax error
2 errors detected in the compilation of "/tmp/tmpxft_000040f4_00000000-4_hello_world.cpp1.ii".
nvcc /home/sp2412/CUDA\ Examples/hello_world.cu
/home/sp2412/CUDA Examples/hello_world.cu(3): error: this declaration has no storage class or type specifier
/home/sp2412/CUDA Examples/hello_world.cu(3): error: expected a ";"
At end of source: warning: parsing restarts here after previous syntax error
2 errors detected in the compilation of "/tmp/tmpxft_000040f4_00000000-4_hello_world.cpp1.ii".