host_data directive issue with PGI13.1


I am testing pgi13.1 which seems to support the host_data directive (there are no more error at compile time).

I tried it with a small test code which uses the host_data directive (see below), but it seems to only work when the -g flag is used:

> nvcc -c
> pgf90 -acc -ta=nvidia,cuda5.0 -L$CUDALIB -lcudart -lcuda simple.o -o test.exe test.f90
> ./test.exe
call to cuStreamSynchronize returned error 700: Launch failed array a=0x69d860 b=0x69db80 n=100
srun: error: castor26: task 0: Exited with exit code 1

with -g

> nvcc -c
> pgf90 -g -acc -ta=nvidia,cuda5.0 -L$CUDALIB -lcudart -lcuda simple.o -o 
> ./test.exe
array a=0x900100200 b=0x900100000 n=100
    3.000000        12.00000    
    3.000000        12.00000

Here is the code:

> cat

extern "C" {

__global__  void simple_add(float* a, float* b, int n) {
  int i = threadIdx.x+ blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
  if ( i < n ) {
      a[i] = a[i] + b[i];

void my_cuda_(float* a, float* b, int* p_n) {
    int n = *p_n;

    printf( "array a=%p b=%p n=%d\n", a, b, n );

    cudaThreadSynchronize( );

    simple_add<<<(n+127)/128, 128>>>(a,  b, n);

    cudaThreadSynchronize( );



> cat test.f90
subroutine test(a,b,n)
  integer n
  real a(n),b(n)

!dir$ inlinenever test

!$acc data present(a,b)

!$acc host_data use_device(a,b)
  call my_cuda(a,b,n)
!$acc end host_data

!$acc end data

end subroutine test

program driver
  integer n
  real a(100),b(100),act_a(100)

  n = 100
  do i=1,n
     b(i) = real(i,4)
  end do
  a = 1.0

  act_a = a + b + 1.0

!$acc data copy(a),copyin(b)

!$acc parallel
  do i=1,n
     a(i) = a(i) + 1.0
  end do
!$acc end parallel

  call test(a,b,n)

!$acc end data

  print *, act_a(1), act_a(10)
  print *, a(1),a(10)

end program driver

Am I doing something wrong ?



Just wanted to know if there are any news concerning the host data directive.

I’ve just tried again the example above with pgi13.2 and I am still getting the same runtime error when not using the -g flag.

On your OpenAcc feature table host_data is still not officialy supported, do you have any timeline concerning this feature ?

Best regards,
