We need used ourself ISP code on orign nano/nx platform,not using nvarguscamera,
The video from 2 mipi csi port, and video raw data format:
12bits , 3016X5776@20
how can i do? thanks
hello dukezuo,
please refer to Camera Architecture Stack.
you should go through v4l2src
which direct kernel IOCTL calls to access V4L2 functionality.
but so much data bandwidth of raw data 2X3016X5776X20 pix/s,can arm cpu do it ok?
hello dukezuo,
normally not… there’s another MMAPI example to demosaic with CUDA.
you may install the package with… $ sudo apt install nvidia-l4t-jetson-multimedia-api
here’s example for your reference, /usr/src/jetson_multimedia_api/argus/samples/cudaBayerDemosaic
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good, I will dig it! thank you so much!
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