How can i flash custom img file through

Hi i have got a custom img file that i created through
Now i have to flash that file with the help of, How can i do that ?

Hi, does not flash “that file” only but the whole QSPI + sdcard.

If you already created image by using jetson-disk-image which means the BSP shall already include the patch you added.

Thus, please just run command to flash it. Of course, you need to add parameters like board config and root. If you don’t know what I am talking about, then please refer to the developer guide first.

Hi Wayne,

Product: I am using Xavier nx emmc
So i wasn’t clear earlier, what i want is to flash the img file without BSP , how can i do that ?

There is no such method for eMMC module.

Adding some notes: SD card models have an image you can create via “”. eMMC models have their own image created during flash based on “Linux_for_Tegra/rootfs/”. You wouldn’t want to mix the two images since SD card image expects the module to have QSPI memory, and eMMC does not.

You can flash a custom image with, but it wouldn’t be the SD card image. Using the SD card image for this is likely to fail, but if you did have a custom image and it is placed as this file:
…then this command would use that system.img and not create its own (note I am assuming it is a dev kit carrier board):
sudo ./ -r jetson-xavier-nx-devkit mmcblk0p1
(leaving out the “-r” would cause each flash to overwrite “system.img” with a generic generated image)

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