How can we flash everything apart bootloader to extern sdcard on tx2 like jetson nano(with no intern...

Hi garretzou,

For new r32.2 release need add UUID partition.
Below is detail steps for flash on sdcard:

1). Create GPT and partition using gdisk on the external device
2). Get the UUID for the partition on the external device. For example, if the device partition is /dev/sda1, then execute ...
$ sudo blkid /dev/sda1
/dev/sda1: UUID="93A6-26BA" TYPE="vfat" PARTLABEL="Linux filesystem" PARTUUID="018eff62-2d07-4ca5-8619-c30c18b0a181"
3). Write the PARTUUID shown from the previous command to the following file ...
echo '018eff62-2d07-4ca5-8619-c30c18b0a181' > bootloader/l4t-rootfs-uuid.txt
4). Copy the rootfs folder to your sdcard (/dev/sda1)
5). Flash the board: (external is for sdcard, usb and sata)
$ sudo ./ jetson-tx2 external
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