I need to set GPIO07、GPIO09、GPIO08、GPIO10,I want these IO to be set to the default low level…
I tried to modify pinmux and generated *.dtsi file.When I flash successfully, I find that the status of the GPIOs has not changed, and on startup, the GPIOs are at a high level, not the low level I expected…
I mean how did you flash it?
Are you sure the pinmux setting file is pointed to in the board config file?
You don’t need to play with device tree here.
Sorry, I didn’t verify that the pinmux update was successful because I don’t know how to check, but my flash succeeded.
After updating the *.dtsi file, I directly use the directive “$./flash rg0-agx-orin-351 mmcblk0p1”,
Hi, GPIO set to Drive 1, did not change to the default high state, did not achieve the desired effect.After power-on, it will remain high for five seconds, and after five seconds, it will become low
it will remain high for five seconds: this means your pinmux setting is correct, but this pin is pulled down by other things.
Please check what drivers/code is occupying this pin by looking at