How many SM on Jetson tk1 board?

Hello, I have a question about a concept related to the mechanism of CUDA.


In the picture above, you can see an SM (Streaming Multiprocessor).

It calculates for each block and output each block.

I read that the Jetson TK1 has 192 GPU cores. Does that mean it has 192 SMs (Streaming Multiprocessors)?

I question this because I have no idea how many blocks should I set to calculate. Im digging to fundermentals.


No, 192 is the GPU core number.

To get more info, please try running the deviceQuery to see the details of the resources.


Hello. I ran “deviceQuery” example on CUDA folder on jetson tk1. But couldn’t find the number of SM here…

Hello. anybody know of this?

Please refer to How many thread are executed at the same time ? - CUDA / CUDA Programming and Performance - NVIDIA Developer Forums

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