I am a new user of CUDA Fortran.
I use the same cuda fortran code in this forum post:How to use (or call) cublas library
I compile with “pgfortran -Mcuda -o test_cublasSgemm_gpu test_cublasSgemm.F90 C:\cuda\lib\cublas.lib”.
Then I got an error
“test_cublasSgemm.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol cublasSgemm referenced in function MAIN_
test_cublasSgemm_gpu.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals”
Based on Mat’s recommendation,
"because of Win32 calling conventions, you need to add an “@” followed by the size in bytes of the argument list to symbol decoration. For sgemm this is “@52”. "
“Also, Win64 uses a different calling convention and does not need the “@”.”
But I am using win7 64-bit. What’s Win64 calling convention?
Please help.